We've previously taken a look at the Piano Quartet No. 1 by the talented Mel Bonis. This week, we look at her Piano Quartet No. 2, Op. 124, a later work from 1927. The second Piano Quartet is dedicated to her classmate at the Paris Conservatoire.

Rudersdal Chamber Players perform Mel Bonis' Piano Quartet No. 2

The first movement opens Moderato with the viola singing a lyrical line over the piano, before being joined by the violin, then cello in a fugal style response. A second themal area is opened by the cello as the tempo picks up and begins to move us toward a more dramatic feeling, with the violin opening up a more major tonal section clearing some of the drama from the air.

The second movement opens with just the strings, muted, with a lovely flowing melody, joined shortly by the piano. Once again, she builds the drama and intensity in the Allegretto with more pointed chords in the piano. The slow third movement begins with the piano before being joined by the violin, viola, then cello, with a beautiful sustained line that floats over the arpeggiated moving line in the piano.

The finale opens with a much more aggressive tempo and the violin & viola in unison over the piano's arpeggios. This leads to a grand finish.

We hope you enjoy this magnificent work and the wonderful performance linked above!