- Category
- Babcock, Samuel 2
- Babcock, William R. 1
- Babcock, Wm. J. 1
- Babell, William 5
- Bablon, Joseph 3
- Bach, August Wilhelm 3
- Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel 392
- Bach, Christoph 17
- Bach, Emanuel 13
- Bach, Johann Bernhard 9
- Bach, Johann Christian 134
- Bach, Johann Christoph 9
- Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich 40
- Bach, Johann Ernst 9
- Bach, Johann Ludwig 12
- Bach, Johann Michael 3
- Bach, Johann Michael III 1
- Bach, Johann Sebastian 2966
- Bach, Leonhard Emil 2
- Bach, Nicolas Gottlibe 4
- Bach, Otto 3
- Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann 70
- Bach, Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst 2
- Bache 1
- Bache, Francis Edward 3
- Bachelet 9
- Bachlund, Gary 3
- Bachmann 4
- Bachmann, Alberto 6
- Bachmann, Georges 76
- Baci, Adolfo 1
- Bacilly 7
- Backer-Grøndahl, Agathe 98
- Backer-Lunde 2
- Backofen 8
- Backus, Eleazer Fitch 1
- Bacon, E. B. 1
- Bacon, J. B. 1
- Bacon, J. Barnitz 1
- Bacon, N. V. 1
- Badarzewska-Baranowska, Tekla 37
- Bade, Philipp 2
- Badger, W. P. 1
- Badia, Luigi 9
- Bading, Heinrich 2
- Baena, Gonzalo de 1
- Baermann Jr., Carl 1
- Baermann, Carl 22
- Baermann, Heinrich 16
- Baetens, Charles M 2
- Baettenhaussen, William 1
- Bagantz, Aleksandr 1
- Baghetti 1
- Bagioli, Antonio 1
- Bagley, Edwin Eugene 8
- Baglioni 1
- Bagrinovsky, Mikhail 5
- Bahia, Xisto 4
- Bahr, Paul 2
- Bai 4
- Baietti, John 1
- Baildon, Joseph 7
- Bailey (Mrs.), 3
- Bailey, Eben Howe 4
- Baille 2
- Baille, Gabriel 11
- Bailleux, Antoine 5
- Baillot, Pierre 42
- Baines, William 12
- Bainton, Edgar Leslie 7
- Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert 24
- Bajardi, Francesco 1
- Bajetti, Giovanni 1
- Bakaleynikov, Nicolai Romanovich 8
- Baker 5
- Baker, B. F. 2
- Baker, Benjamin Franklin 10
- Baker, Charley 1
- Baker, Everett L. 7
- Baker, Fred T. 7
- Baker, J. A. 1
- Baker, John C. 10
- Baker, Lucy B. 1
- Baker, Thomas 36
- Bakfark, Bálint 1
- Bakfark, Bálint 10
- Balakirev, Mily 110
- Balart 1
- Balay, Guillaume 6
- Balbastre 5
- Balbastre, Claude-Bénigne 1
- Baldamus, Gustav 3
- Baldamus, Johann Friedrich 1
- Baldan, Angelo 1
- Baldano, Giovanni Lorenzo 1
- Baldenecker 3
- Baldenecker, Udalrich 1
- Baldewein, J. C. 1
- Baldi, Benedetto 3
- Baldwin, Edwin Thomas 2
- Baldwin, John 1
- Baldwin, Minor Coe 1
- Baldwin, N. Andrew 4
- Baldwin, Ralph Lyman 1
- Baldwin, Samuel Atkinson 3
- Baldwyn, Chas. 1
- Balfe, Michael William 64
- Balicourt, Simon 1
- Ball, Adeline 1
- Ball, Alexander 6
- Ball, Daniel 1
- Ball, Ernest Roland 59
- Ball, William 5
- Ballabene, Gregorio 1
- Balladori, Angelo 4
- Ballard III, Robert 2
- Ballard, James 2
- Ballard, Jean-Baptiste Christophe 3
- Ballard, L. W. 3
- Ballard, Pierre 3
- Balleron, Louis 2
- Ballón Farfán, Benigno 1
- Balmer, Charles 48
- Balocchi, Luigi 2
- Balogh, Ernő 1
- Balorre, Charles de 6
- Baltzar, Thomas 1
- Bambini, Felice 2
- Banchieri, Adriano 21
- Banck, Carl 11
- Bandini, Ansano 1
- Bandini, Lavinia 1
- Bandt, Caroline 2
- Banès, Antoine 1
- Banès, Antoine 14
- Baneux, Gustave 1
- Bang, Maia 0
- Banks, H. T. 2
- Banks, Wm. G. 1
- Bantock, Granville 52
- Baptista, Francisco Xavier 1
- Baptiste, Ludwig Albert Friedrich 2
- Baranski, 1
- Baravalle, Vittorio 2
- Barbandt, Charles 3
- Barbe, N. A. 2
- Barbedette, Hippolyte 6
- Barbella, Emanuele 17
- Barber, Robert 3
- Barberiis, Melchiore de 2
- Barbetta, Giulio Cesare 5
- Barbier, Frédéric 66
- Barbier, Jean 1
- Barbiere, Joseph 4
- Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo 32
- Barbieri, Giovanni 1
- Barbieri, Girolamo 2
- Barbieri, Luigi 25
- Barbion, Eustachius 1
- Barbirolli, Alfredo 38
- Barbirolli, Lucienne 2
- Barblan, Otto 4
- Barbot, Paul 39
- Barbour, F. W. 4
- Barbour, Florence Newell 9
- Barcelo y Segui, Juan 1
- Barck, Edwin 1
- Barclay, B. S. 13
- Bardin-Royer, Eugénie 1
- Barès, Basile 4
- Bargiel, Woldemar 57
- Barié, Augustin 2
- Barigel, G. 1
- Barili, Alfredo 7
- Barili, Antonio 5
- Bariller, Jules 2
- Baring-Gould, Sabine 4
- Barjansky, Adolf 5
- Barker (mandolinist), George 1
- Barker of Boston, George 4
- Barker, Asa 1
- Barker, George 12
- Barker, George Arthur 26
- Barker, Nathan 18
- Barker, Theodore T. 7
- Barley, William 3
- Barmann, Johann Friedrich 2
- Barmas, Issay 2
- Barmotin, Semyon 13
- Barnard, Charlotte Alington 38
- Barnby, Joseph 37
- Barnekow, Christian 9
- Barnekoy, Kiell 4
- Barnes, Charles L. 1
- Barnes, Edward Shippen 13
- Barnes, G. L. 1
- Barnes, L. B. 3
- Barnes, Paul 3
- Barnett, J. 2
- Barnett, James George 13
- Barnett, John 6
- Barnett, John Francis 14
- Barnhart, W. H. 1
- Barni, Camillo 4
- Barns, Ethel 6
- Baron, Ernst Gottlieb 1
- Baronchelli, Nestore 4
- Baroni, Filippo 1
- Baroni-Cavalcabó, Julie 13
- Barratt, Edgar 8
- Barratt, Walter Augustus 4
- Barré, Anthony 1
- Barrera, Enrique 3
- Barrère, Georges 1
- Barret, Apollon Marie-Rose 2
- Barrett, B. Simeon 2
- Barrett, Thomas 1
- Barrett, William Alexander 3
- Barri, Odoardo 3
- Barria, Gaston 1
- Barrière, Jean-Baptiste 8
- Barrière, Jean-Baptiste 2
- Barrington, Frank T. 8
- Barrios Mangoré, Agustín 31
- Barrows, H. D. 1
- Barrows, O. R. 3
- Barrus, Hiram G. 3
- Barry, J. A. 1
- Barry, Katherine 2
- Barsanti, Francesco 7
- Bartalus, István 1
- Bartay, Ede 1
- Bartei, Girolamo 1
- Bartel, Günther 27
- Bartenstein, F. 6
- Barth, Christian Frederik 2
- Barth, Otto 2
- Barth, Richard 7
- Barth, Rudolph 3
- Barthe, Adrien 13
- Barthel, Johann Christian 1
- Barthélémon, François-Hippolyte 23
- Barthélemon, Maria 3
- Barthélemy, Richard 10
- Bartholdy, Johan 2
- Bartlett, C. 1
- Bartlett, C. L. 1
- Bartlett, Homer Newton 36
- Bartlett, John C. 7
- Bartlett, John W. 1
- Bartmuss, Richard 3
- Bartók, Béla 103
- Bartók, Béla 5
- Bartolotti, Angelo Michele 1
- Barton, Gerard 1
- Bartschmid, Alois 1
- Baruch, Friedemann 1
- Barvinski, Vassili 10
- Bas, Giulio 6
- Bas, Louis-Jean-Baptiste 1
- Bascans, Emma 1
- Baselt, Fritz 2
- Basilewsky, P. 1
- Basili, Andrea 3
- Basili, Francesco 1
- Basiron, Philippe 1
- Baskette, Billy 12
- Bass, Roderich 18
- Bassani, Giovanni Battista 23
- Bassano, Giovanni 4
- Bassett, Karolyn Wells 3
- Bassetti, J. 1
- Bassford, Samuel W. 2
- Bassford, T. Franklin 9
- Bassford, William Kipp 2
- Bassi, Antonio de 2
- Bassi, Luigi 6
- Bassini, Carlo 9
- Bastard, William 1
- Bästel, Johann Ernst 1
- Bastert, George 1
- Bastiaans, Johannes 1
- Bastiaans, Johannes Gijsbertus 2
- Baston, John 2
- Basvecchi, P. O. 3
- Bataille, Gabriel 1
- Batchelder, Frederick William 4
- Batchelder, W. K. 4
- Batchellor, Daniel 2
- Bateman, William O. 18
- Bateson, Thomas 5
- Bath, Hubert 6
- Bathioli, Francesco 4
- Batiste, Edouard 20
- Batka, Richard 1
- Bâton, Charles 1
- Batson, Arthur Wellesley 1
- Batta, Alexandre 10
- Batta, Joseph 4
- Batta, Laurent 2
- Battanchon, Félix 2
- Battanchon, Félix 8
- Battenhaussen, W. 1
- Battiferri, Luigi 2
- Battishill, Jonathan 8
- Battista, Vincenzo 9
- Battke, Max 1
- Battmann, Jacques-Louis 302
- Battre, H 9
- Bauck, Wilhelm 4
- Baudet-Maget, Aloys 1
- Baudiot, Charles Nicolas 4
- Baudouin, Georges Albert 1
- Bauer, Alois 3
- Bauer, Arthur W. 3
- Bauer, Charlotte 1
- Bauer, Eduard 1
- Bauer, Emilie Frances 2
- Bauer, Ferdinand 3
- Bauer, Harold 3
- Bauer, Johann Baptist 1
- Bauer, Joseph Anton 4
- Bauer, Marion 16
- Bauer, Th. 1
- Bauersachs, Hubert 1
- Bauerschmidt (le cadet), 4
- Bauldeweyn, Noel 2
- Baum, L. Frank 1
- Baumbach, Adolph 22
- Baumbach, Friedrich August 5
- Baumberg, J. C. 1
- Baumfelder, Friedrich 11
- Baumgarten, Carl Friedrich 6
- Baumgärtner, Johann Baptist 6
- Baur, Jean 5
- Baussnern, Waldemar von 9
- Baustetter, Johann Conrad 2
- Bax, Arnold 86
- Bax, Saint-Yves 2
- Bay, Rudolph 10
- Bayart, Louis 1
- Bayer, Eduard 16
- Bayer, Jacob 1
- Bayer, Josef 8
- Bayley, A. W. 1
- Bayley, Clowes 1
- Bayley, Daniel 6
- Bayley, J. H. 1
- Bayley, T. Edwin 7
- Bayley, W. R. 1
- Baylor, C. G. 1
- Baylor, Eugene W. 9
- Bayly, Anselm 1
- Bayly, Thomas Haynes 10
- Baynes, Sydney 2
- Bayrhoffer, Carl 2
- Bazelaire, Paul 9
- Bazilevsky, Georgy 16
- Bazin, François 15
- Bazire, A. 1
- Bazzini, Antonio 37
- Bazzoni, Giovanni Luigi 6
- Beach, Amy Marcy 100
- Beach, John Parsons 12
- Beal, Royal 1
- Beale, Henry Wolfgang Amadeus 5
- Beames, Clare W. 3
- Beames, Wm. C. 1
- Beauchamp, Pierre 3
- Beaudoin, Charles 1
- Beaufranchet, Fernand de 3
- Beauharnais, Hortense de 8
- Beaujoyeulx, Balthazar de 6
- Beaumercy, Roger de 10
- Beauplan, Amédée de 15
- Beaupuis, Emanuel de 27
- Beauquier, Charles 1
- Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Jacques-Marie 4
- Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Jean-Jacques 7
- Beauvois, Fernande 8
- Beber, Ambrosius 1
- Becchi, Antonio di 1
- Bechem, F. C. A. 2
- Bechgaard, Julius 15
- Becht, Heinrich Carl 4
- Beck, Adolphe G. 2
- Beck, Franz Ignaz 11
- Beck, Henry 1
- Beck, James N. 10
- Beck, Jean 1
- Beck, Julius 1
- Beck, Louis 3
- Beck, Paul 2
- Becker, Albert 17
- Becker, Carl Ferdinand 3
- Becker, Dietrich 4
- Becker, George 3
- Becker, Gustav Louis 1
- Becker, Jean 8
- Becker, John J. 1
- Becker, Julius Constantin 1
- Becker, Otto 2
- Becker, Reinhold 7
- Becker, René Louis 12
- Becker, Wilhelm Gottlieb 1
- Beckman, Bror 4
- Beckwith, John 4
- Bécourt, 2
- Becucci, Ernesto 7
- Bédard, Jean-Baptiste 8
- Bédos de Celles de Salelles, François Lamathe 1
- Bedyngham, John 3
- Beecke, Ignaz von 10
- Beeckman, Nazaire 4
- Beek, Horace Winfred 2
- Beer, B. 17
- Beer, Johann 1
- Beer-Walbrunn, Anton 3
- Beers, Jacques 1
- Béesau, Joseph 2
- Beethoven, Ludwig van 2541
- Behault, Ernest de 1
- Behim, Arthur E. 2
- Behm, Eduard 2
- Behr, Franz 140
- Behrend, Arthur Henry 4
- Behrend, Emilie 1
- Behrens, Albert 1
- Bekker, Paul 3
- Belcher, Supply 1
- Belcke, Christian Gottlieb 3
- Belcke, Friedrich August 3
- Beliczay, Gyula 16
- Belin, Julien 1
- Belknap, Daniel 3
- Bell, DeWitt 1
- Bell, William Henry 3
- Bella, Ján Levoslav 2
- Bellairs, Ralph Hamon 2
- Bellak, James 107
- Bellanda, Lodovico 1
- Bellando, Domenico 6
- Bellando, L. 1
- Bellavere, Vincenzo 1
- Bellenot, Philippe 12
- Bellens, Jozef 3
- Bellerby, Edward Johnson 2
- Bellermann, Heinrich 2
- Belletti, Giovanni Battista 1
- Belleville, Jacques de 1
- Belli, Domenico 1
- Bellini, Ettore 3
- Bellini, Vincenzo 149
- Bellinzani, Paolo Benedetto 5
- Bellis, Giovanni Battista de 2
- Bellman, Carl Michael 5
- Belloli, Agostino 4
- Bellotta, Francesco 1
- Bellstedt, Herman 2
- Belpasso, Giovanni Battista 1
- Beltjens, Mathias Joseph Hubert 2
- Belval, Edouard 1
- Bemberg, Herman 15
- Bemetzrieder, Anton 14
- Bemfica, Antônio Martiniano da Silva 2
- Bénard, Jules 2
- Benati, Carlo Antonio 4
- Benaut, Josse-François-Joseph 12
- Benavente, Manuel 3
- Bencini, Giuseppe 2
- Benda, Franz 84
- Benda, Friedrich Ludwig 4
- Benda, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich 5
- Benda, Georg 84
- Benda, Johann 1
- Benda, Joseph 1
- Bendall, Wilfred 3
- Bendel, Franz 85
- Bendelari, Augusto 2
- Bendinelli, Agostino 1
- Bendix, Hermann 3
- Bendix, Theodore 5
- Bendix, Victor 25
- Bendl, Karel 8
- Bendusi, Francesco 1
- Benedetti, Piero 2
- Benedict, Julius 34
- Benedict, Milo Ellsworth 2
- Benedictus, Louis 3
- Beneggi, Giovanni 1
- Benelli, Antonio Peregrino 2
- Beneš, Josef 2
- Bénet, Charles 2
- Benet, John 3
- Benevoli, Orazio 5
- Benham, Asahel 2
- Benincori, Angelo Maria 8
- Benito, Cosme José de 6
- Benjamin, Arthur 6
- Benjamin, Jonathan 1
- Benker, Carl 1
- Benkert, George Felix 9
- Benna, Filippo 1
- Bennet, Charles William 2
- Bennet, John 4
- Bennett, Alfred William 1
- Bennett, Charles 1
- Bennett, Thomas Case Sterndale 5
- Bennett, William Sterndale 70
- Benoist, André 1
- Benoit, Camille 4
- Benoît, Peter 1
- Benoît, Peter 79
- Bensch, Albert 1
- Bentayoux, Frédéric 16
- Bentivoglio, Giulio 13
- Bentley, John Morgan 1
- Bentz, Auguste 2
- Bentzon, Jørgen 5
- Beon, Alexandre 4
- Béranger, Pierre-Jean de 2
- Berardi, Angelo 3
- Bérardi, Gaston 7
- Bérat, Frédéric 3
- Bérat, Frédéric 5
- Berbiguier, Tranquille 20
- Berchem, Jacquet de 3
- Berens, Herman 1
- Berens, Hermann 45
- Berény, Henri 4
- Beresford, Benjamin 3
- Beretta, Francesco 1
- Beretti, Pietro 1
- Berg, Alban 21
- Berg, Albert W. 7
- Berg, George 5
- Berg, Konrad-Mathias 5
- Berg, Natanael 4
- Bergamo, Davide da 1
- Bergamo, Padre Davide Maria da 1
- Bergé, Irénée 24
- Berger, Ch. 1
- Berger, Edmond 3
- Berger, Emile 2
- Berger, Francesco 2
- Berger, Ludwig 16
- Berger, Rodolphe 116
- Berger, Wilhelm 18
- Bergey, Jeanne 1
- Berggreen, Andreas Peter 5
- Bergh, Arthur 8
- Bergh, Rudolph 2
- Bergh, Rudolph Sophus 1
- Bergmann, A. 1
- Bergmann, Gustav 2
- Bergson, Michał 10
- Berhandizki, Rochus 1
- Bering, Christian 1
- Beringer, Georg 4
- Beringer, Joseph 1
- Beringer, Maternus 2
- Beringer, Oscar 3
- Bériot, Charles-Auguste de 200
- Bériot, Charles-Wilfrid 5
- Berisso, Alfredo 4
- Berleur, Jules 1
- Berlin, Johan Daniel 3
- Berlioz, Hector 272
- Berlyn, Anton 6
- Bermudo, Juan 2
- Bernabei, Ercole 1
- Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio 6
- Bernal Jiménez, Miguel 7
- Bernard, Èmile 6
- Bernard, Émile 26
- Bernard, Gus W. 1
- Bernard, Jean 41
- Bernard, Matvey 7
- Bernard, Matvey Ivanovich 2
- Bernard, Paul 53
- Bernard-Saraz, Louis 1
- Bernardel, Anatole 1
- Bernardi, Bartolomeo 5
- Bernardi, Steffano 13
- Bernasconi, Andrea 5
- Berneker, Constanz 1
- Bernhard, Christoph 7
- Bernhard, Wilhelm Christoph 1
- Bernheimer, Gastone 7
- Bernicat, Firmin 13
- Bernier, François 1
- Bernier, Joseph-Arthur 1
- Bernier, Nicolas 8
- Bernn, Alexandre 3
- Berr, Friedrich 17
- Berr, José 4
- Berruti, Giuseppe 2
- Berry, James 1
- Berson, Michel 2
- Bertali, Antonio 3
- Bertalotti, Angelo Michele 3
- Berté, Heinrich 4
- Berté, Heinrich 1
- Berteau, Martin 6
- Bertelin, Albert 6
- Bertezen, Salvatore 2
- Bertha, Sándor 4
- Bertheaume, Isidore 3
- Berthemet, Amédée 5
- Berthier, Paul 2
- Berthold, Karl Friedrich Theodor 1
- Bertin, Jean-Baptiste 1
- Bertin, Louise 6
- Bertini, Henri 59
- Bertoldo, Sperindio 4
- Berton, Henri-Montan 17
- Berton, Pierre Montan 1
- Berton, Roland de 1
- Bertoni, Ferdinando 16
- Bertouch, Georg von 1
- Bertrand, Anthoine de 32
- Bertrand, Jules 1
- Bertrand, Marcel 4
- Bertuch, Max 1
- Bertuzzi, Pietro 2
- Berwald, Franz 9
- Berwald, William 6
- Besard, Jean-Baptiste 11
- Beschnitt, Johannes 5
- Besendahl, Carl 8
- Besly, Maurice 6
- Besozzi, Alessandro 6
- Besozzi, Louis-Désiré 2
- Besseghi, Angelo Michele 2
- Bessems, Antoine 3
- Best, William Thomas 7
- Beständig, Otto 1
- Bestel, Gottfried Ernst 1
- Betscher, Nikolaus 1
- Bettinelli, Angelo 1
- Bettinozzi, Giovanni 3
- Betts, Edward 2
- Beumer, Henry 2
- Beurle, Johannes Christian 1
- Bevignani, Enrico 6
- Bevilacqua, Matteo 14
- Bevin, Elway 1
- Beyer, Anton Hugo 1
- Beyer, Carl 1
- Beyer, Ferdinand 119
- Beyer, Johann Christian 1
- Beyer, Johann Samuel 2
- Bezant, Anna Laura K. 1
- Bezecný, Emil 1
- Bezekirsky, Vasily 4
- Biagi, Manlio 10
- Bial, Rudolf 20
- Bianchi II, Antonio 1
- Bianchi, Francesco 26
- Bianchini, Domenico 1
- Bianchini, Francesco 1
- Bianchini, Pietro 2
- Bianciardi, Vincenzio 2
- Bianco, Baldassarre del 2
- Biancolini, Michelangelo 1
- Biandrà, Giovanni Pietro 1
- Biber, Carl Heinrich 1
- Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von 24
- Bibl, Rudolf 7
- Bicajo, 1
- Bicherl, Hans 1
- Bickham Jr., George 2
- Bideau, Pierre Dominique 1
- Bidegain, Pierre 4
- Bie, Oscar 2
- Biechteler, Matthias Sigmund 2
- Biedermann, Edward Julius 6
- Biehl, Albert 12
- Biehl, Eduard 1
- Bielecki, C. 1
- Biene, Auguste van 5
- Bierey, Gottlob Benedict 5
- Biéville, Francis de 1
- Biferno, Antonio 3
- Biffi, Antonino 1
- Biffi, Antonio 1
- Bigaglia, Diogenio 59
- Biggs, Edward Smith 2
- Biggs, Richard Keys 1
- Bignami, Carlo 1
- Bigot, F. 1
- Bigot-Duschek, 2
- Bihari, János 1
- Bilancioni, Guglielmo 1
- Bilbro, Mathilde 8
- Biliński, Antoni Zygmunt 6
- Bill, J. 1
- Billè, Isaia 3
- Billema, Raffaele 2
- Billi, Vincenzo 4
- Billig, Friedrich David 1
- Billings, William 12
- Billroth, Theodor 2
- Biloir, Gustave 1
- Bilse, Benjamin 7
- Bilstin, Yuri 1
- Binchois, Gilles 16
- Binder, Carl 7
- Binder, Christlieb Siegmund 8
- Binet, Frédéric-Augustin 3
- Binfield, T.S. 1
- Bini, G. E. 1
- Bini, Pasquale 1
- Binički, Stanislav 1
- Binner, Herbert B. 2
- Binon, Madeleine 2
- Bioni, Antonio 1
- Biordi, Giovanni 2
- Birch, William Henry 1
- Birckenstock, Johann Adam 5
- Bird, Arthur H. 19
- Bird, Henry Richard 1
- Bird, William Hamilton 1
- Birkedal-Barfod, Ludvig 13
- Birn, Max 2
- Birnbaum, Eduard 1
- Biscardi, Luigi 7
- Bischoff, Ernest 2
- Bischoff, Heinz 1
- Bischoff, Hermann 2
- Bischoff, Johann Karl 1
- Bischoff, John W. 2
- Bischoff, Kaspar Jacob 2
- Bishop, Henry Rowley 182
- Bishop, John 4
- Bishop, Thomas Brigham 8
- Bismantova, Bartolomeo 2
- Bispham, David 1
- Bissantz, G. 1
- Bitti, Martino 6
- Bittner, Julius 24
- Bittner-Waldmüller, Maxmilian 1
- Bitzan, Wendelin 1
- Bizet, Georges 216
- Blaauw, Pierre 1
- Blagrove, Richard Manning 1
- Blahetka, Leopoldina 3
- Blahetka, Leopoldine 7
- Blair, Hugh 17
- Blake, Benjamin 1
- Blake, Charles Dupee 53
- Blake, Edward 1
- Blake, Eubie 9
- Blake, George E. 2
- Blakeley, William Arthur 1
- Blanc, Adolphe 28
- Blanc, Claudius 6
- Blanc, Jean Antoine 2
- Blancard, Jeanne 1
- Blanchard, Amos 2
- Blanchard, Esprit-Joseph-Antoine 2
- Blanchet, Emile-Robert 28
- Blancheteau, A. 2
- Blanck, Hubert de 7
- Bland, James A. 11
- Blandner, Charles F. 2
- Blangini, Joseph Marie Felix 14
- Blangini, Thérèse 1
- Blanke-Belcher, Henriette 22
- Blaramberg, Pavel 3
- Blaramberg, Pavel Ivanovich 1
- Blasco de Nebra, Manuel 1
- Blasius, Matthieu Frédéric 9
- Blatt, Franz Thaddäus 2
- Blatt, Franz Thaddäus 4
- Blattmacher, Hermann 1
- Blaufuss, Walter 5
- Blavet, Michel 9
- Blazhevich, Vladislav 7
- Blazy, Maurice 2
- Blech, Leo 6
- Bleichmann, Julius 14
- Blessner, Gustav 28
- Blewitt, Jonas 1
- Blewitt, Jonathan 9
- Bley, Gustave 11
- Bliesener, Johann 2
- Blin, Henry Clay 2
- Blin, René Louis 4
- Bliss Sr., Paul 1
- Bliss, Arthur 15
- Bliss, Paul 17
- Bliss, Philip Paul 54
- Blitheman, John 2
- Bloch, André 5
- Bloch, Ernest 57
- Bloch, József 2
- Bloch, József 24
- Blockland, Cornelius 1
- Blockley, John 7
- Blockx, Jan 24
- Blom, Friderick Anthon 1
- Blon, Franz von 24
- Blondeau, Auguste Louis 1
- Blondel, Charles 2
- Blondel, Louis-Nicolas 1
- Bloom, Evelyn 4
- Blount, Henry 2
- Blow, John 20
- Blum, Carl Wilhelm August 24
- Blum, Elias 1
- Blum, Nathan 2
- Blumenberg, Franz 2
- Blumenfeld, Felix 79
- Blumenfeld, Sigismond 6
- Blumenschein, William Leonard 3
- Blumenstengel, Albrecht 7
- Blumenthal, Jacques 30
- Blumenthal, Joseph von 8
- Blumenthal, L. M. 2
- Blumenthal, Paul 7
- Blumenthal, Sandro 2
- Blumentritt, Ferdinand 1
- Blumschein, Louis 17
- Blyma, Frantisek Xaver 1
- Bobinski, Henryk 7
- Bobrowicz, Jan Nepomucen 18
- Boccalari, Eduardo 1
- Boccherini, Luigi 270
- Bochsa, Charles 2
- Bochsa, Nicholas Charles 157
- Bockmühl, Robert Emile 3
- Bockmühl, Robert Emile 6
- Böddecker, Philipp Friedrich 2
- Bode, Hermann 1
- Bödecker, Louis 2
- Bödecker, Louis 1
- Bodenschatz, Erhard 2
- Bodenschatz, Salomo Heinrich 2
- Bodinus, Sebastian 10
- Bodoil, Jo 1
- Bodojra, Paolo 1
- Bodom, Erika 7
- Bodro, Carlo 6
- Boeck, August de 20
- Boehe, Ernst 8
- Boehm, Theobald 14
- Boekelman, Bernhardus 2
- Boëllmann, Léon 56
- Boëly, Alexandre-Pierre-François 10
- Boëly, Alexandre-Pierre-François 29
- Boësset, Antoine de 15
- Boëthius, Anicius Manlius Severinus 2
- Bogé, H. 3
- Boghen, Felice 3
- Bohlman-Sauzeau, Henri 3
- Bohlmann, Georg Carl 8
- Bohm, Carl 184
- Böhm, Carl Leopold 2
- Böhm, Georg 14
- Böhm, Gottfried 1
- Böhme, Franz Magnus 3
- Böhme, Oskar 13
- Böhme, Oskar 2
- Böhmer, Alexander 1
- Bohn, Emil 1
- Böhner, Johann Ludwig 7
- Bohnke, Emil 12
- Bohrer, Antoine 17
- Bohrer, Max 1
- Boieldieu, Adrien Louis Victor 5
- Boieldieu, François Adrien 72
- Boieldieu, François Adrien 13
- Boije af Gennäs, Carl Oscar 1
- Boisdeffre, René de 3
- Boisdeffre, René de 65
- Boise, Otis Bardwell 2
- Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de 50
- Boissaux, Joachim 3
- Boisseau, Arthur 5
- Boisselot, Xavier 1
- Boissière, Frédéric 48
- Boito, Arrigo 16
- Bolck, Oskar 8
- Boleyn, Anne 2
- Bölke, W. 1
- Boller, Carlo 4
- Bollius, Daniel 1
- Bollman, Henry 22
- Bolognini, Storno de 4
- Bölsche, Johannes Eduard Franz 1
- Bolzoni, Giovanni 8
- Bomtempo, João Domingos 24
- Bon, Anna 3
- Bona, Pasquale 3
- Bona, Valerio 1
- Bonamici, Ferdinando 2
- Bonawitz, Johann Heinrich 6
- Boncourt, Henri 1
- Bond, Capel 2
- Bond, Hugh 2
- Bondesen, Jørgen Ditleff 1
- Bonfils, Marie 1
- Boni, Pietro Giuseppe Gaetano 2
- Bonini, Severo 2
- Bonis, Mel 52
- Bonizzi, Vincenzo 1
- Bonn, H. 1
- Bonnal, Ermend 8
- Bonnamour, Elisabeth 1
- Bonnaud, Adèle 1
- Bonnay, Alice 2
- Bonnel, Louis 2
- Bonnell, Otto 5
- Bonnet, Joseph 8
- Bonno, Giuseppe 4
- Bononcini, Antonio Maria 48
- Bononcini, Giovanni 126
- Bononcini, Giovanni Maria 7
- Bonporti, Francesco Antonio 12
- Bonten, Herman Théodore 1
- Bontoux, Daniel 1
- Bonvin, Ludwig 5
- Bonzanini, Giacomo 1
- Boom, Jan van 3
- Booth, Josiah 4
- Boott, Francis 4
- Borch, Gaston 73
- Borchgrevinck, Melchior 1
- Borde, Elis 2
- Bordes, Charles 37
- Bordèse, Luigi 7
- Bordèse, Luigi 37
- Bordet, Toussaint 2
- Bordier, Jules 9
- Bordier, Louis-Charles 1
- Bordogni, Marco 6
- Borella, Angelo Ramiro 1
- Borg, Oscar 3
- Borg, Walter 1
- Borghese, Antonio D. R. 3
- Borghi, Luigi 14
- Borghini, Gaetano 3
- Borgstrøm, Hjalmar 15
- Borisovsky, Vadim 2
- Borjon de Scellery, Pierre 1
- Borkhman, Aleksandr 7
- Borne, François 3
- Bornhardt, Johann Heinrich Carl 13
- Bornschein, Franz Carl 8
- Borodin, Aleksandr 90
- Boroni, Antonio 6
- Borowski, Felix 31
- Borsani, Mosè Isidori 2
- Bortkiewicz, Sergei 39
- Bortniansky, Dmytro 23
- Bortolazzi, Bartolomeo 20
- Borzó, Miska 1
- Bos, Coenraad Valentijn 1
- Bosanquet, Robert Holford Macdowall 1
- Bosc, Auguste 7
- Bosch, Elisa 1
- Bosch, Jacques 25
- Boscher, A. 2
- Boschetti, Giovanni Boschetto 1
- Boscoop, Cornelis 2
- Boscovitz, Frédéric 8
- Boscovitz, Frédéric 1
- Bose, Fritz von 3
- Bosi, Amilcare 4
- Bosissio, 1
- Boslet, Ludwig 5
- Bosmans, Henriëtte 4
- Bosquet, Arsène 3
- Bosselet, Charles-Marie-François 2
- Bossi, Cesare 8
- Bossi, Cesare 0
- Bossi, Costante Adolfo 6
- Bossi, Marco Enrico 56
- Bossi, Pietro 1
- Bossi, Renzo 8
- Bossler, Heinrich Philipp 6
- Botrel, Théodore 7
- Botsford, George 25
- Bott, Jean Joseph 2
- Bottagisio, Angelo 18
- Bottazzo, Luigi 45
- Böttcher, Ernst 2
- Botte, Adolphe 16
- Bottesini, Giovanni 37
- Botti, Abate Antonio 3
- Botti, Antonio 5
- Bottigliero, Eduardo 4
- Bottigoni, Paolo 1
- Bottis, Giuseppe de 1
- Boubée, Francesco Carlo Paolo 1
- Bouchinot, Eugène 1
- Bouffil, Jacques Jules 1
- Boughton, Rutland 8
- Bouhy, Jacques 1
- Boulanger, Ernest 7
- Boulanger, Lili 54
- Boullard, Marius 22
- Boullard, Victor 2
- Boulnois, Joseph 9
- Boulton, Harold 1
- Bouman, Antonius Johannes 4
- Boumard, Jean 5
- Bourdeau, Célestin 3
- Bourdeau, Eugène 1
- Bourdeau, Eugène 1
- Bourdeney, Clarisse 1
- Bourgault-Ducoudray, Louis-Albert 42
- Bourgeois, Émile 8
- Bourgeois, Èmile 1
- Bourgeois, L. le 1
- Bourgeois, Loys 7
- Bourgeois, Thomas-Louis 5
- Bourges, Maurice 2
- Bourguignon, François 2
- Bourne, Mabel Hyde 1
- Bourne, Richard 1
- Bournonville, Armand 1
- Bournonville, August 1
- Bournonville, Jacques de 5
- Bousquet, Francis 2
- Bousquet, Louis 3
- Bousquet, Narcisse 5
- Bousquier, Léopold 2
- Boussagol, Emile Justin Prosper 3
- Bousset, Jean-Baptiste Drouart de 12
- Bousset, René de 2
- Boutmy, Josse 2
- Bouval, Jules 1
- Bouvard, François 15
- Bovéry, Jules 1
- Bovet, Joseph 3
- Bovicelli, Giovanni Battista 1
- Bovio, Angelo 4
- Bovy-Lysberg, Charles Samuel 61
- Bowden, Mary 12
- Bowen, York 33
- Bowers, Robert Hood 10
- Bowman, Edward Morris 2
- Bowman, Euday L. 4
- Boyadjian, G. 1
- Boyce, William 45
- Boyer, Cyprien 1
- Boyer, Ian 1
- Boyer, Jules 1
- Boyle, George Frederick 8
- Boyvin, Jacques 13
- Bracco, Roberto 1
- Brachet, Philip Louis 8
- Brachrogge, Hans 1
- Brackett, Frank H. 3
- Bracquemond, Marthe 2
- Bradbury, William Batchelder 10
- Bradsky, Theodor 3
- Brady, Ethel A. 1
- Brady, William 1
- Braga, Antonio Correa 1
- Braga, Antônio Francisco 15
- Braga, Gaetano 39
- Braga, Henrique 7
- Braham, David 49
- Braham, John 20
- Brahe, May H. 13
- Brahms, Johannes 914
- Brakl, Istvan 1
- Brambach, Carl Joseph 17
- Brambilla, Marietta 2
- Bramley, Henry Ramsden 1
- Branche, Charles-Antoine 2
- Brand, F. 5
- Brandeis, Frederick 27
- Brandes, Wilhelm 1
- Brandl, Johann 8
- Brandl, Johann Evangelist 19
- Brandt, G. Auguste 2
- Brandt, Hermann 9
- Brandt, Jobst vom 1
- Brandt, Noah 1
- Brandt, Victor Fredrik Albert 1
- Brandts Buys, Henri François Robert 3
- Brandts Buys, Jan 28
- Brandts Buys, Ludwig Felix 3
- Brant, Per 1
- Branzoli, Giuseppe 1
- Brassart, Johannes 4
- Brassin, H. 2
- Brassin, Louis 12
- Brätel, Ulrich 3
- Bratton, John Walter 20
- Brauchle, Joseph Xaver 1
- Brauer, Max 3
- Braun S.V.D., George 3
- Braun, 1
- Braun, Albert 1
- Braun, Carl Anton Philipp 3
- Braun, Jean-Daniel 6
- Braun, Max 8
- Braun, Rudolf 4
- Braun, Wilhelm 1
- Braune, Otto 1
- Braunfels, Walter 23
- Braungardt, Fridolin 5
- Bravenz, Rose 1
- Brazelton, Edgar A. 3
- Breau, Louis 7
- Bredal, Ivar Frederik 1
- Bree, Johannes Bernardus van 5
- Brée, Malwine 1
- Breidenstein, Heinrich Carl 1
- Breil, Joseph Carl 5
- Breitenbach, Clemens 8
- Breitengraser, Wilhelm 2
- Breithaupt, Rudolf Maria 1
- Breitung, Hermann 2
- Bremner, Robert 6
- Brenet, Michel 4
- Brentner, Johann 1
- Brepsant, Engebert 3
- Brescianello, Giuseppe Antonio 16
- Bret, Èmile 1
- Bretón, Tomás 1
- Bretón, Tomás 60
- Breu, Simon 3
- Breuer, Bernhard 1
- Bréval, Jean-Baptiste 4
- Bréval, Jean-Baptiste 30
- Bréville, Pierre de 11
- Brewer, Alfred Herbert 26
- Brewer, John Hyatt 10
- Briccialdi, Giulio 53
- Briccio, Giovanni 1
- Bricon, 1
- Brida, Giano 7
- Bridge, Frank 99
- Bridge, Frederick 23
- Bridge, Joseph Cox 2
- Briegel, Wolfgang Carl 6
- Brier, Ella 1
- Brignoli, Giacomo 1
- Brindis de Salas, Claudio José Domingo 1
- Brink, Jules ten 5
- Brinkmann, Minna 3
- Brioschi, Antonio 1
- Brisson, Frédéric 4
- Brisson, Frédéric 23
- Bristow, George Frederick 21
- Brivio, Giuseppe Ferdinando 2
- Brixi, František Xaver 1
- Broadwood, Lucy Etheldred 3
- Broca, José 32
- Brocarte, António 4
- Brockway, Howard 12
- Brod, Emil 1
- Brod, Henri 6
- Brodersen, Viggo 4
- Brofferio, Angelo 1
- Brogi, Renato 4
- Brolo, Bartolomeo 1
- Bromme, Walter 2
- Bronsart von Schellendorff, Hans 9
- Bronsart, Ingeborg 12
- Brooke, Arthur 2
- Broome, Edward 2
- Broqua, Alfonso 5
- Broschi, Carlo 2
- Broschi, Riccardo 8
- Brosig, Moritz 5
- Brossard, Sébastien de 5
- Brossard, Sébastien de 26
- Brosset, Jules 2
- Brouck, Jacob de 1
- Brounoff, Platon 1
- Broustet, Édouard 5
- Broutin, Clément 2
- Brower, Harriette 4
- Brown, Alling 1
- Brown, Arthur Henry 3
- Brown, Arthur L. 3
- Brown, Bartholomew 9
- Brown, Francis Henry 67
- Brown, Mary Helen 4
- Brown, Thomas 1
- Brown, William 1
- Browne, Augusta 9
- Browne, Edgar J. 2
- Browne, Harriet 19
- Browne, John Lewis 10
- Browne, William 1
- Bru, Justin 2
- Bruch, Max 135
- Bruch, W. 1
- Bruck, Arnold von 39
- Brucken Fock, Emile 1
- Brucken Fock, Gerard von 3
- Bruckner, Anton 624
- Bruckner, Friedrich Wilhelm 2
- Brückner, Oscar 5
- Bruckshaw, Kathleen 1
- Bruger, Hans Dagobert 1
- Brüggemann, Alfred 1
- Brugnoli, Attilio 2
- Bruguière, Édouard 10
- Bruhier, Antoine 1
- Bruhier, Joseph 1
- Brühl, Hans Moritz von 2
- Bruhns, Nicolaus 10
- Bruinsma, Ybe Ages 1
- Brukenthal, Bertha von 1
- Brull, Apolinar 1
- Brüll, Ignaz 2
- Brüll, Ignaz 104
- Brull, Melecio 2
- Brumel, Antoine 6
- Brun, Georges 1
- Bruna, Pablo 21
- Brunckhorst, Arnold Matthias 4
- Brune, Adolf 1
- Brune, Hermann 2
- Bruneau, Alexandre 5
- Bruneau, Alfred 32
- Brunel, Raoul 4
- Brunelli, Antonio 1
- Brunetti, Domenico 1
- Brunetti, Francisco 1
- Brunetti, Gaetano 30
- Brunetti, Giovan Gualberto 3
- Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo 36
- Bruni, Humberto 1
- Brunk, John David 2
- Brunner, Charles 4
- Brunner, Christian Traugott 11
- Bruno, Filippo 1
- Bruyant, Antoine 1
- Bruyer, V. 1
- Bryson, Ernest 3
- Brzeziński, Franciszek 8
- Brzowski, Józef 10
- Bubeck, Theodor 2
- Bucalossi, Ernest 12
- Bucalossi, Procida 7
- Bucciali, Joseph 2
- Buccioni, Giuseppe 2
- Bucharoff, Simon 1
- Bûchel, Edward 1
- Büchler, Ferdinand 4
- Büchner, Adolf Emil 1
- Büchner, Ferdinand 11
- Büchner, Ferdinand 2
- Buchner, Philip Friedrich 1
- Buck, Dudley 73
- Buck, Francis 3
- Buck, Percy Carter 3
- Budd, Thomas 1
- Budik, Franz 4
- Buechel, Robert 1
- Buencamino Sr., Fransisco 1
- Buffardin, Pierre-Gabriel 3
- Buffet, Hippolyte 2
- Buffin, Victor 1
- Bugge, Magda 1
- Buglione, Annibale 1
- Buhl, August 1
- Bühler, Franz 11
- Bukinik, Mikhail 5
- Bulch, Thomas Edward 4
- Bull, Amos 1
- Bull, Georges 15
- Bull, John 32
- Bull, Ole 45
- Bullard, Frederic Field 21
- Bülow, Charlotte von 1
- Bülow, Hans von 32
- Bülow, Hans von 4
- Bülow, Johan 7
- Bulyovszky, Mihály 1
- Bumcke, Gustav 3
- Bümler, Georg Heinrich 1
- Bumpus, John Skelton 1
- Bunel, Gabriel 3
- Bungard-Wasem, Theodor 1
- Bungart, Heinrich 2
- Bungert, August 45
- Bunk, Gerard 16
- Bunnett, Edward 7
- Bunning, Herbert 3
- Bunsen (née Waddington), Frances 1
- Bunte, Johann Friedrich 1
- Bunting, Edward 6
- Buonamente, Giovanni Battista 3
- Buonamici, Giuseppe 6
- Buonanno, Raffaele 2
- Buongiovanni, Giovanni Francesco 9
- Buot, Victor 15
- Burck, Henry 1
- Burck, Joachim a 4
- Bürckhoffer, J. G. 4
- Burda, Carl Georg 1
- Burdett, George Albert 6
- Burditt, Benjamin A 1
- Burg, Richard 1
- Bürgel, Constantin 4
- Burger, Max 1
- Burgess, Francis 1
- Burgess, Maurice Gordon 1
- Burgio, Emanuele 3
- Burgmüller, Franz 3
- Burgmüller, Friedrich 68
- Burgmüller, Friedrich 1
- Burgmüller, Norbert 1
- Burgmüller, Norbert 17
- Burian, Emil Frantiek 1
- Burke, Joseph A. 1
- Burkhard, Willy 1
- Burleigh, Harry Thacker 53
- Burlin, Natalie Curtis 3
- Burmann, Gottlob Wilhelm 2
- Burmeister, Joachim 3
- Burmeister, Paul 1
- Burmeister, Richard 2
- Burmester, Willy 11
- Burnap, Uzziah Christopher 2
- Burnett, Ernie 5
- Burney, Charles 20
- Burnham, Mark 2
- Burns, Robert 1
- Burns, Steven 1
- Burose, Adolf 1
- Burow, Carl 3
- Burr, Willard, Jr. 2
- Burrowes, John Freckleton 14
- Burton, Frederick Russell 3
- Burton, John 1
- Burty, Marc 6
- Burwig, Gustav 2
- Bury, 1
- Bury, Bernard de 2
- Busby, Thomas 7
- Busca, Lodovico 1
- Busch, Adolf 6
- Busch, Carl 13
- Busch, Volkmar 1
- Busnois, Antoine 10
- Busoni, Ferruccio 149
- Bussenius, William 2
- Büsser, Fritz 9
- Bussler, Ludwig 1
- Bussmeyer, Hugo 2
- Busti, Alessandro 1
- Bustijn, Pieter 1
- Butler, Herbert J. 2
- Butler, Leonard 21
- Butler, Thomas Hamly 31
- Butler, Thomas O'Brien 3
- Butler, Vicomtesse de 1
- Butterfield, James A. 8
- Butterworth, George 10
- Buttlar-Stubenberg, Anna von 4
- Büttner, Paul 2
- Button, Henry Elliot 3
- Buttschardt, Carl 1
- Buttstett, Johann Heinrich 6
- Buttykay, Ákos 7
- Buxtehude, Dietrich 199
- Buziau, Charles 1
- Buzzolla, Antonio 1
- Byng, Frank D. B. 2
- Byrd, William 198
- Børresen, Hakon 10
- Bernardi, Charles de 3
- Brinkley, R.C. 1
- Bacon, Ernst 3
- Bussine, Romain 5
- Bevan, Frederick Charles 4
- Bittencourt e Sá, Manuel Thomé de 0
- Börner, Kurt 1
- Boccanera, Luiza Leonardo 6
- Bernard, Jules 6
- Baudot, Émile 1
- Bagarre, Ambroise 0
- Bernis, L. de 0
- Bittner, Jacques 1
- Bleyle, Karl 0
- Blom, Oscar Ludvig 4
- Bliss, Maria Lindsay 8
- Bonnamy, Émile 42
- Bades, Paul 15
- Brandau, Johann Georg 0
- Bekman-Shcherbina, Yelena 1
- Bisping, Max 1
- Becker, Valentin Eduard 1
- Beresford Brodie, G. M. 4
- Blasser, Gustav 1
- Baron, Maurice 30
- Burney, Cecilia 1
- Böcklin von Böcklinsau, Franz Friedrich Siegmund August 0
- Batta, Clémentine 2
- Bach, Heinrich 0
- Bologna, Monari di 1
- Baldran, Jules 4
- Bagnat, Léopold 16
- Baumgartner, Wilhelm 5
- Bevilacqua, Octávio 0
- Benoit, Louis 31
- Blanc de Fontbelle, Cecile 0
- Beranek, Aloïs 4
- Bérot, Philippe 6
- Brulon, Adolphe 7
- Byerly, William 0
- Burns, Felix 1
- Brown, Sid 0
- Bretonnière, Victor 2
- Brémond, François 4
- Breitenbach, Franz Joseph 0
- Boult, Charles Valentine 3
- Berlhe, Emmanuel 1
- Barton, Stanford 1
- Barthélemon, Cecilia Maria 1
- Burgairolles, Georges 1
- Butting, Max 1
- Besler, Simon 1
- Béobide, José M. 8
- Breville-Smith, Francis Stanley 0
- Benoist, François 2
- Boggetti, Edwin 2
- Barnett, Theodore Henry 3
- Bousquet, Georges 10
- Breslaur, Emil 1
- Bracony, Alberto 2
- Bricqueville, Eugène H. de 2
- Bergeret, Alphonse 2
- Brink, Leonard Peter 0
- Bourgeois, Charles 2
- Bussac, José 2
- Berendt, Nicolai 0
- Berindoague, Henri 0
- Bucalossi, Brigata 1
- Brunn, George Le 6
- Bond-Andrews, John Charles 9
- Borsay, Samu 1
- Binet, Frédéric 20
- Bérou, Adrien 1
- Berg, Leon 2
- Bertini, Ernesto 0
- Bentz, Jules 1
- Bittencourt e Sá, Joaquim Silvério de 2
- Baldenecker, Johann David 1
- Brückler, Hugo 2
- Boston Music Company, 2
- Boyce, Ethel Mary 3
- Bell, Armand 6
- Baron, Henri 1
- Bannister, Robert 7
- Braille, Louis 1
- Bečvařovský, Antonín František 4
- Bammeville, Aimé J. de 2
- Burleigh, Cecil 11
- Barthès, A. 1
- Bergt, August 1
- Bourgeois, Lucien 1
- Buwa, Johann 1
- Burgiss, William Henry 1
- Bott, J. 1
- Brand, Aloys Carl 1
- Bevilacqua, Francisco Alfredo 2
- Beneken, Friedrich Burchard 2
- Berlin, Irving 130
- Barton, John Eylin 3
- Browne, Ernest 1
- Belinfante, Charles 1
- Bomtempo, Francisco Xavier 1
- Buchardo, Carlos López 5
- Blainville, Charles-Henri de 2
- Barthélemy, M. 1
- Burgmüller, François 7
- Bradford, James C. 3
- Baumann, Emmanuel 8
- Bartlett, James Caroll 1
- Birmann, J. 2
- Bartlet, John 2
- Breuskin, Franz 2
- Béguin-Salomon, Louise 2
- Biancheri, Angelin 2
- Bellows, Harold Ainsley 1
- Boissoudy, H. de 1
- Bagge, Selmar 3
- Bingham, Seth 6
- Busé, William 1
- Brink, Gustaf Hildor 1
- Bacewicz, Grażyna 4
- Borland, John Ernest 1
- Bret, Émile 5
- Balbi, Giacomo 1
- Bosq, Louis 1
- Benyon, Reginald 1
- Baker, John S. 1
- Billeton, Émile 1
- Bret, Gustave 1
- Bertain, Jules 30
- Brandenstein, Caroline von 1
- Bilhar, Sátiro 2
- Blanc, Marius 1
- Boeck, F. J. de 2
- Boisson, Félix 1
- Brunet de Moland, 1
- Büsser, Henri 8
- Boehnlein, Victor Gregory 5
- Boyaner, Samuel 1
- Bairnsfather, Thomas Henry 1
- Bendix, Julius 1
- Bossy, Abel 1
- Boldi, J. B. 1
- Berghe, Carl van 2
- Bertal, A. Gelée 1
- Berthelier, Jean-François 3
- Baichère, Joseph 1
- Ballet, William 1
- Bandey, Ephraim 1
- Barbosa, José Soares 3
- Barry, Augustus 2
- Barry, Richard 1
- Bayalos, Charles de 1
- Bazin, Ad. 1
- Becker, Georges 1
- Bertin, Louis 1
- Billington, Thomas 6
- Bohannan, Jean 1
- Boh, Albert Ludger 2
- Bothe, Franz 1
- Boucher, Roger 3
- Boyd, Jeanne Margaret 1
- Bradford, Barker 1
- Bratsch, Johann Georg 1
- Braun, Friedrich 1
- Brice, Emmanuel 1
- Brown, Fleta Jan 14
- Brueton, Arthur 1
- Brusa, Noël 2
- Brzezinski, Hipolit 4
- Boultbee Whall, William 1
- Blackburn, George Alfred 1
- Borel-Clerc, Charles 6
- Baillot, René 2
- Bourassa, J.A. 1
- Blanc, Giuseppe 1
- Bagretsov, Fyodor 1
- Brand, Alexander 6
- Batten, Mabel Veronica Hatch 1
- Bedford, Herbert 4
- Bremner, Ernst James 1
- Brunet, Jean-Paul 1
- Böhr, Francis 1
- Berckheim, Théodore de 1
- Barbero, Octavio 1
- Bertin de La Doué, Toussaint 1
- Becket, Gilbert A. 1
- Bennett, S.C. 1
- Böhme, Ferdinand 1
- Binder, J.M. 1
- Bendix, Max 1
- Blumner, Martin 1
- Baylis, Alfred 2
- Bastl, Josef 1
- Berton, Henri François 4
- Bruant, Aristide 1
- Buterne, Charles 2
- Bachrich, Sigismund 1
- Bernard, Felix 1
- Balutet, Marguerite 13
- Brooks, Shelton 11
- Boyer, Louis 1
- Booth, Karl Edmund Otto von 1
- Bastos, Martiniano Ribeiro 1
- Bretagne, Pierre 1
- Böhm, Joseph 1
- Böttger, Martin 3
- Bernard, James 1
- Bélier, Gaston 1
- Barreto, Homero de Sá 60
- Bridgetower, George Augustus Polgreen 1
- Brown, Albert Seymour 2
- Blake, Dorothy Gaynor 1
- Bazán, Juan Carlos 1
- Burke, Joe 23
- Borremans, Jules 3
- Bonn, Hermann 1
- Bacon, Elizabeth Clayton 2
- Bayes, Nora 16
- Bennett, John 1
- Bayern, Max Joseph in 2
- Brown, Nacio Herb 13
- Bargy, Roy 2
- Black, Ben 4
- Bernard, Al 5
- Baini, Giuseppe 1
- Botella, Rafael 6
- Bowers, Frederic V. 14
- Bibo, Irving 8
- Bennett, Theron C. 5
- Brymn, James Timothy 10
- Black, Frank J. 2
- Bartl, Franz Conrad 1
- Bolognesi, Mariano 1
- Blake, Charlotte 23
- Bradford, Perry 3
- Barron, Ted S. 14
- Brunold, Paul 1
- Bachhofer, Robert 1
- Bustini, Alessandro 2
- Beer, Leopold J. 1
- Buchtele, Jan 1
- Biese, Paul 8
- Beines, Carl 1
- Bertie, Willoughby 2
- Burtnett, Earl 12
- Burt, Benjamin Hapgood 12
- Breuer, Ernest 2
- Breitenbach, Joseph Heinrich 1
- Bakaleinikov, Vladimir 3
- Brown, Albert W. 9
- Brennan, James A. 12
- Boland, Clay 1
- Buencamino Sr., Francisco 42
- Browne, Raymond A. 4
- Barradas, Carmen 95
- Branscombe, Gena 9
- Boie, John 1
- Becker, Johann 1
- Briggs, Cora S. 1
- Busse, Henry 1
- Breen, Harry J. 1
- Berg, Johann vom 5
- Billaut, Adam 2
- Braga, Ernani 1
- Broström, Hildur 1
- Barroso, Ary 10
- Borges, Aristides 5
- Bulhões, José Carvalho de 13
- Brockman, James 8
- Bingham, George 1
- Buhl, David 1
- Branen, Jeff T. 7
- Bennett, George John 4
- Black, Johnny S. 4
- Boisen, Elisabeth 1
- Baisden, Harry 1
- Baer, Abel 3
- Banta, Frank P. 1
- Bratt, Henric 1
- Berner, Friedrich Wilhelm 3
- Buzzi-Peccia, Arturo 1
- Bocage, Peter E. 3
- Banta, Frank E. 2
- Braham, Edmund 8
- Baer, Charles E. 2
- Bastianelli, Giannotto 2
- Brooks, Harry 1
- Bronner, Georg 1
- Bernardi, Gian Giuseppe 3
- Berg, David 2
- Bestor, Don 3
- Burr, Henry 2
- Bayha, Charles A. 1
- Brandon, Clarence E. 2
- Bernie, Ben 2
- Brown, Raymond 1
- Bunch, Boyd 1
- Buffano, Jules 2
- Bernard, Mike 2
- Bryan, Alfred 4
- Bagnall, Ronald 2
- Brennan, J. Keirn 1
- Baumann, Ludwig 1
- Bergon, Paul 1
- Berto, Augusto 1
- Bjarnason, Friðrik 20
- Blöndal, Þorvaldur 33
- Barbour, J. Berni 2
- Bouleau-Neldy, Adolphe 14
- Brownson, Oliver 1
- Burkhardt, Addison 2
- Barrozo Netto, Joaquim Antônio 2
- Baudissin, Sophie von 1
- Blankenburg, Hermann Ludwig 1
- Buus, Jacques 2
- Böðvarsdóttir, Guðrún 2
- Böðvarsson, Bjarni 4
- Baker, George 1
- Bennett, Sam 1
- Bigelow, Frederick Ellsworth 2
- Bisbee, M. G. 1
- Bristow, Frank L. 1
- Brougham, John 1
- Buckley, Frederick 10
- Bolen, Grace M. 3
- Beydts, Louis 1
- Beck-Slinn, Edgar 1
- Bartels, Wolfgang von 1
- Böhne, Fritz 1
- Baur, Antonio 1
- Bosisio, Crispiniano 1
- Berezovsky, Maksym 1
- Bazille, Auguste 1
- Blot, Angèle 1
- Baldenecker, Johann Daniel 1
- Brandt, Alfons 1
- Bacon, Frederick James 1
- Bajus, Zéphirin 3
- Blatch, Herbert 1
- Babo, Lamartine 2
- Badia, Carlo Agostino 1
- Braine, Robert 2
- Bléger, Michel 4
- Beck, Christoph Friedrich 9
- Becker, D.G. 3
- Bidgood, Thomas 1
- Bergmann, Josef Adolf 1
- Božek, František Adolf 7
- Bakeš, František Xaver 1
- Braga, Marceliano 1
- Bowie, John 1
- Brissler, Friedrich 2
- Barnard, George D. 1
- Barnard, John Gross 4
- Bachofen, Johann Caspar 1
- Beischer-Matyó, Tamás 36
- Burald, Franz 1
- Baynton-Power, Henry 3
- Bush, Alan 1
- Beachcroft, Robert Owen 1
- Brentnall, Geo. H. 1
- Borck, Edmund 1
- Brünings, Johann David 1
- Boero, Felipe 3
- Bärwolf, Wilhelm 2
- Beristáin Urdanivia, Joaquín 1
- Bernsdorf, Eduard 1
- Beneš, Jara 1
- Bufaletti, Federico 1
- Berger, David 1
- Bonus, Ladislao 1
- Byutsov, Vladimir 5
- Brill, Ned 1
- Bodge, P. T. 1
- Boehme, Albert 1
- Bennett, Manton 1
- Brown, J. Alleine 1
- Benesch, F. M. 3
- Belisário, José 14
- Björgvin Guðmundsson, 7
- Beretta, Mme. 1
- Berger, H. L. 2
- Brice, Monte C. 1
- Brandt, Franz 3
- Balabanov, Aleksey 1
- Bachschmid, Anton Adam 2
- Becker, O. 3
- Beyer, Frants 2
- Bastos, Francisco de Paula 7
- Bruce, E. 1
- Bonnet, Pierre 10
- Bonneau, F. 3
- Belmar, João F. R. de 4
- Barbosa, José Coelho 4
- Benson, G. N. 5
- Bonner, Carl 1
- Blanco, Pedro 4
- Baltz, Max 2
- Beresford, Harry Wayne 1
- Bertram, Fritz 1
- Benser, Johann Daniel 2
- Bannister, Frank 1
- Burgess, Mattie Harl 2
- Bernie, Dave 1
- Barnes, Bernard 1
- Banfi, Riccardo 1
- Basley, H. V. 1
- Borovka, Iosif 4
- Burns, Christine 1
- Brown, Charles B. 4
- Bohannon, Marion T. 2
- Bush, Paul H. 2
- Berk, Lew 2
- Blume, Frederick 1
- Ball, Charles W. A. 1
- Brown, George Walter 2
- Barbalho Jr., Manoel 1
- Brandão Filho, Alexandre 3
- Brown, Harry 2
- Byers, Edward G. 1
- Besuch, Alfred 1
- Berger, Leon 1
- Bennett, Murray 1
- Branchina, Pietro 1
- Barker, Sydney S. 1
- Bielicka, Eugenia 6
- Burke, Gerald 1
- Bingham, Gordon 2
- Bond, Ed 1
- Beam, Mark 1
- Butler, Gustav E. 1
- Beckmann, Johann Friedrich Gottlieb 2
- Brown, Jack 2
- Bennett, Leo 4
- Buckley, Ray 1
- Booker, Charles H. 2
- Bennett, E. K. 4
- Blush, Mabel 1
- Bjarni Þorsteinsson, 4
- Bennett, Harry 1
- Bradford, W. F. 1
- Brown, Domer 1
- Beaumont, A. 1
- Bellin, Betty 2
- Bonnet, Arthur 3
- Browning, Hazel M. 2
- Barrow, Lise 1
- Bendernagel, Lew P. 1
- Benson, C. D. 4
- Bernstein, Adolph 1
- Brown, Adolphus 2
- Bonita, 1
- Beiner, Arthur L. 1
- Bennett, George J. 1
- Blétry, Paul 1
- Baltimore, Lady of 2
- Brinkerhoff, Clara M. 1
- Bowlby, E. H. 1
- Bernstein, Arthur 1
- Baur, C. 1
- Bereza, Stefan Henryk 2
- Berezovskij, Grigorij A. 1
- Baird, Dewey T. 1
- Banard, D'Auvergne 1
- Binder, Gustav 1
- Blangy, Auguste 1
- Beyer, Johanna 19
- Bridgewater, Thomas 3
- Burke, Walter 4
- Benedict, Joseph 5
- Briggs, Thomas F. 1
- Burian, F. 1
- Brossard, Auguste 1
- Bernhard, S. 1
- Beethoven, Kaspar Anton Karl van 1
- Balfour, Carl 1
- Brown II, William 1
- Bold, Ferdinand 5
- Berkin, Julius 1
- Ballard, Christophe 1
- Bafunno, Julius L. 1
- Borani, Giuseppe 1
- Bennett, Billy 1
- Bren, Joe 3
- Bullen, Frank Thomas 1
- Brewer, R. B. 1
- Buchheim, Paula 1
- Brito, Eurico de C. 1
- Barcellos, Antonio Cassimiro de 4
- Bennett, Charles E. 1
- Butler, Juanita 1
- Brooman, Hanna 1
- Brownold, Fred 5
- Breitkopf, Christoph Gottlob 1
- Bayley, Kathryn 2
- Becker, George P. 1
- Burkhart, Elsie 1
- Berdeaux, Dean Hough 1
- Bloodgood, Linda 1
- Baker, W. C. 1
- Beam, Mark E. 1
- Bechter, Hermann 1
- Becker, D. 1
- Berge, H. 1
- Birch, Harry 1
- Bonner, Eugene A. 1
- Boulcott, J. R. 2
- Bright, C. E. 1
- Brennan, H. S. 1
- Boyé, Euphémie 1
- Barrière, Étienne Bernard Joseph 2
- Becker, Paul 1
- Brès, Jacques 1
- Buschheim, Paula 1
- Benoit, George 5
- Breschinsky, D. 1
- Beetho, Charles 1
- Boyer, Thornton Barnes 3
- Brown, Walter L. 1
- Blake, Louis 1
- Barnett, Claude M. 1
- Bartolini, Felice 1
- Beyer, Victor 1
- Bicknell, Ralph 1
- Bech, Holger 1
- Bergenholtz, Edward 1
- Blount, Charles B. 2
- Bowlby, Beatrice A. 1
- Barr, Herman 1
- Bergheim, Rudolph van 1
- Baume, John W. 1
- Burke, Andy L. 1
- Baseler, John 1
- Bennett, S. A. 1
- Bruhns, J. J. William 1
- Bunow, Mason M. 1
- Buonomo, James 1
- Braudo, Isay 1
- Bosco, Carlo 1
- Burdin d'Entremont, Fernand Maurice 1
- Broutin, H. 1
- Boulay, Joséphine 1
- Bezecný, Antonín 1
- Bartoš, Johann 3
- Bicking, Alfred 1
- Bibl, Andreas 1
- Breunich, Johann Michael 2
- Brodziński, Kazimierz 1
- Busch, J.G. 2
- Braeckman, Louis 1
- Barberis, Camillo 1
- Blodek, Vilém 1
- Bosse, Willi 1
- Bechtel, Harry K. 1
- Burnichon, Sophie 1
- Buffington, Edward 1
- Burtch, Roy L. 3
- Bley, Arno 3
- Bello, Leocádio Alexandrino 2
- Barth, Con 1
- Bond, William E. 1
- Boyle, Charles T. 1
- Bens, Agenor 3
- Boyer, Edwin A. 1
- Bimberg, Ed 2
- Boyd, Martha Alice 1
- Basler, Horace R. 1
- Blessinger, Karl 1
- Bryan, Frank D. 1
- Berger, Johann Georg 1
- Baille, Adrien 1
- Baudiss, Alexander 1
- Bartelmus, Guido H. 1
- Brandes, Minna 1
- Blondeau, Pierre 3
- Bottermund, Hans 1
- Benson, E. A. 1
- Bouly de Lesdain, Eugène 1
- Brava, Carlos de Ferrari 1
- Boyle, Edward I. 1
- Barton, Maj. J. 1
- Bailão, P. 1
- Barboza, Arthur B. 1
- Brown, Billie 1
- Brondi, Maria Rita 2
- Bell, J. H. 1
- Benson, Jo 1
- Bramhall, George H. 1
- Buckline, Harry 2
- Burton, C. W. 1
- Bieńkowski, Ludwik 1
- Besch, Otto 1
- Butler-Danvers, Frederica Emma 1
- Brotero, Mauricio 1
- Brown, Dale 1
- Brett, C. A. 1
- Bechtel, B. J. 1
- Brand, Johann Jakob 1
- Beaumont, Paul 2
- Boning, John 1
- Brown, P. 1
- Bivins, Nathan 2
- Beck, Conrad 2
- Brzezińska, Filipina 2
- Brigham, G. B. 2
- Bennett, Rube 1
- Bartell, Henry 1
- Birbeck, S. McIntyre 1
- Bishop, B. J. 1
- Barrie, J. F. 1
- Bergen, Alfred Hiles 1
- Bernard, Edwin 1
- Bakalian, Craig 1
- Bendiner, Jacques 1
- Black, Olla Blancet 1
- Born, Paul 1
- Battle, J. 1
- Breunig, Konrad 1
- Boland, Myrtle 1
- Barton, Roy 2
- Borovsky, I. 1
- Baxter, Ted 1
- Brewster, Louie 1
- Bosetti, Carlo 1
- Bowers, Thos. M. 1
- Brookhouse, Win 1
- Boulanger, Nadia 18
- Bradt, Harry Earl 1
- Boden, Harry 1
- Barry, Edward 1
- Bruce, H. W. 1
- Baker, Clifford V. 1
- Burmann, L. 1
- Buxton, William Herbert 1
- Bridges, Ethel 2
- Braham, Harry 1
- Beyerstedt, Bert 1
- Browne, Ike 1
- Bardsley, Eunice W. 1
- Bogert, Lawrence 1
- Broel-Plater, Maria 3
- Baliani, Carlo 1
- Berton, Charles 1
- Brilant, Saul 1
- Bard, Larry 1
- Brähmig, Bernhard 1
- Berg, Ellis G. 1
- Benson, Jerry 1
- Baião, Manoel Emigdio Pereira 1
- Burks, Hattie 2
- Broekhoven, Frank 1
- Belding, Harry 2
- Bierman, Ida G. 3
- Blake, Joseph E. 1
- Breidenstein, Johann Philipp 1
- Binns, Nat 1
- Bonincontro, Gabriel 1
- Brill, Edwin S. 1
- Brand, Louis W. 1
- Bechter, Karl 1
- Berson, Seweryn 1
- Bittencourt, Anna Moeda 1
- Boissier-Butini, Caroline 22
- Barbier, Edith 2
- Barrett, Bessie 2
- Bernard, Catherine 1
- Buzzi, Antonio 2
- Berndt, Irving A. 1
- Bush, Charles J. 1
- Brian, Havergal 6
- Babou, Thomas 1
- Beuvens, Gustave 1
- Becker, Max 2
- Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg 1
- Bulter, M. W. 1
- Baldwin, Anita May 3
- Bacon, Elizabeth M. 1
- Bray, Isabelle M. 1
- Bates, Alma 5
- Bernard, Kathryn 1
- Browne, Alexis L. 1
- Brandling, Mary 1
- Barth, Wilhelm 1
- Bradner, W. H. G. 1
- Bafunno, Antonio 2
- Blackman, Sarah A. 1
- Barnard, D'Auvergne 3
- Bruce, Muriel 1
- Bason, Harry 1
- Borosini, Francesco 1
- Belle, Minnie 1
- Bylicki, Andrzej Pobóg 1
- Brooks, Vivian 1
- Boucher, Cecille 1
- Benedict, Bonnie 1
- Bartlett, Elinore C. 1
- Bell, Mae 1
- Botume, John Franklin 1
- Braga, José Mauricio 1
- Becker, Alice May 1
- Brown, Anna Welker 1
- Berry, Frank 1
- Blum, Pauline 1
- Bradford, Bessie 2
- Besler, Samuel 1
- Blackburn, Annie 1
- Brice, Elizabeth 2
- Ball, Gertrude E. 1
- Barrett, J. E. 1
- Brand, Franz 1
- Barnett, Alice 1
- Bancroft, Mertena Louise 1
- Brumagne, Fernand 1
- Bernard, Norrie 1
- Baker, Evelyn 1
- Bruschius, A. G. 1
- Burch, Edwin 1
- Bertani, Lelio 1
- Becker, William 1
- Brown, Eddy 1
- Boy, Rafn Erling 1
- Brown, Burton 1
- Brantford, Bert 1
- Brossier, Francis 2
- B., T. W. H. B. 1
- Bassi, Felice 1
- Barr, Elmer 1
- Brymm, James 1
- Balbulus, Notker 1
- Besset, Julian Raoul 3
- Buck, Gene 1
- Bricher, Thomas 1
- Bach, Johann Andreas 1
- Baudrexel, Philipp Jakob 1
- Burke, Will F. 1
- Bürger, Sigmund 1
- Bahr, Johann 1
- Barrett, Reginald 1
- Baulier, Charlotte 1
- Braham, Philip 1
- Bloom, Lew 1
- Brown, William B. 1
- Bassett, Leslie 2
- Beretta, Bernardino 1
- Benesch, Joseph 3
- Bertini, Auguste 1
- Bartholomew, Marshall 2
- Bigot, Marie 3
- Bodine, Lester 1
- Billy, Heagney 1
- Browne, John 1
- Brigham, John W. 2
- Bingham, Charles D. 1
- Bryant, Jerry 1
- Bourlier, Henry 1
- Baker, Phil 1
- Burdett, J. H. 1
- Broekman, David 1
- Belleroche, George de 7
- Blanter, Matvey 14
- Bright, Dora 2
- Bologne, M. G. 6
- Bossard, Jacques 3
- Bauderlique, Charles 1
- Berckman, Evelyn 4
- Biella, Giuseppe 1
- Blackmar, A. E. 7
- Bénech, Ferdinand Louis 2
- Bonnard, C. 4
- Bertrand, Henry 6
- Boudray, Félix 1
- Boufflette, René 3
- Ballard II, Robert 1
- Borrero, Valentin 1
- Bigot, Prosper 2
- Bérat, Eustache 1
- Bott, Johann Joseph 1
- Baur, Jürg 1
- Berezovsky, I. A. 5
- Bencini, Antonio 1
- Bauderuc, Jouan 1
- Batton, Désiré-Alexandre 1
- Borroff, Edith 1
- Brussel, Clasine Josephine van 1
- Baumann, Alexander 1
- Bach, Fritz 1
- Brandstöttner, Carl 1
- Blumer, Theodor Anton 1
- Barton, Marmaduke Miller 1
- Brown, Anthony 2
- Baldreich, Gottfried 1
- Broughton, Marjorie 1
- Bolsène, Armand 1
- Borchard, Robert 1
- Bexfield, William Richard 1
- Bardac, Raoul 1
- Borba, Tomás 3
- Badings, Henk 1
- Bernards, Joseph 1
- Blied, Jakob 2
- Burke, T. Francis 1
- Baldi, Carlo 1
- Batten, Adrian 1
- Beney, Theresa 1
- Barone, Charles R. 1
- Broones, Martin 1
- Belza, Igor 1
- Beale, James 1
- Breen, May Singhi 1
- Brion d'Orgeval, Édouard-Barthélémy 1
- Bost-Sifert, Edmond 3
- Bridges, Robert 1
- Barraine, Elsa 2
- Bloch, Alexander 1
- Bézard, Blanche 5
- Broche, Léonard 2
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