- Category
- Faber, Heinrich 5
- Faber, N 1
- Faber, Nicolaus 1
- Fabian, J. 2
- Fabiani, G. 1
- Fabini, Eduardo 18
- Fabre, C. 1
- Fabre, Gabriel 6
- Fabre, Jean Baptiste Casimir 1
- Fabricius, Jacob 14
- Faccio, Franco 1
- Facco, Giacomo 3
- Fadini, Andrea 1
- Faelten, Carl 1
- Faggioli, Michelangelo 2
- Fago, Francesco Nicola 29
- Fahrbach Jr., Philipp 91
- Fahrbach Sr., Philipp 9
- Fahrbach, Anton 1
- Fahrbach, Josef 13
- Fährmann, Hans 4
- Fährmann, Hans 23
- Fairchild, Blair 17
- Fairclough, George Herbert 2
- Fairlamb, James Remington 1
- Faisst, Clara 9
- Faisst, Immanuel 2
- Falb, Remigius 2
- Falcari, Ferdinando 1
- Falchi, Stanislao 1
- Falck, Martin 1
- Falckenhagen, Adam 4
- Falco, Carlo 1
- Falcon, Clemente 1
- Falcon, Leopoldo 1
- Falcon, Luigi 1
- Falcone, Achille 1
- Falcone, Luigi 1
- Falconieri, Andrea 8
- Falke, Gustav 3
- Fall, Leo 49
- Falla, Manuel de 58
- Faller, Charles 1
- Faltis, Evelyn 3
- Falvo, Rodolfo 6
- Famintsyn, Aleksandr 2
- Fane, John 8
- Fanfani, Giuseppe Maria 1
- Fanfani, Luigi 1
- Faning, Eaton 5
- Fanna, Antonio 1
- Fannetti, C.H. 1
- Fanti, Carlo 15
- Faraday, Philip Michael 1
- Farina, Carlo 2
- Farinel, Jean-Baptiste 1
- Farinelli, Giuseppe 5
- Farjeon, Harry 25
- Farkas, Ödön 1
- Farley, Roland 1
- Farmer, Henry 6
- Farmer, John 2
- Farmer, John 1
- Farmer, John S. 1
- Farnaby, Giles 35
- Farrant, Richard 2
- Farrar, Ernest Bristow 7
- Farrenc, Aristide 2
- Farrenc, Louise 36
- Farwell, Arthur 20
- Fasano, Clemente 1
- Fasanotti, Filippo 2
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich 153
- Fasch, Karl Friedrich Christian 16
- Fasolo, Giovanni Battista 1
- Fast, J. J. 1
- Fattorini, Gabriele 1
- Fattschek, Bernard 1
- Fauche, Mary 1
- Fauchey, Paul 6
- Fauconier, Benoit Constant 5
- Faulkes, William 60
- Fauré, Gabriel 283
- Fauré, Gabriel 7
- Faure, Jean-Baptiste 76
- Faust, Carl 42
- Fauvel, André-Joseph 1
- Favarger, René 17
- Favier, Alessandro 3
- Fawcett, Owen 1
- Fay, Amy 1
- Fayrfax, Robert 4
- Feast, Charles F. 3
- Fedeli, Cesare 1
- Fedeli, Giuseppe 4
- Federici II, Francesco 4
- Federici, Baldassare 1
- Federici, Francesco 1
- Federici, Vincenzo 1
- Federlein, Gottfried Harrison 6
- Feehrer, Joseph 1
- Fehland, C. 1
- Fehre, Christoph Ludwig 5
- Feigerl, Peregrin 2
- Feinberg, Samuil 53
- Fel, Antoine 2
- Felici, Alessandro 4
- Felici, Bartolomeo 6
- Felix, Hugo 8
- Feller, Otto 1
- Felton, William 5
- Feltre, Alphonse-Clarke 1
- Feltz, Louis 1
- Feltzer, Willem 2
- Fémy, François 3
- Fenaroli, Fedele 15
- Fenney, William 2
- Feo, Francesco 14
- Ferber, Richard 4
- Ferguson, Ludwig Wilhelm Tepper von 17
- Ferling, Franz Wilhelm 4
- Ferlus, Charles 20
- Fernald, Albert Henry 4
- Fernández Caballero, Manuel 7
- Fernández Caballero, Manuel 3
- Fernández Núñez, Manuel 1
- Fernández Palero, Francisco 2
- Fernandez, António 1
- Fernández, Oscar Lorenzo 12
- Ferner, Anthony 2
- Ferrabosco Jr., Alfonso 1
- Ferrabosco Sr., Alfonso 3
- Ferrand, Joseph-Hyacinthe 1
- Ferrandini, Giovanni Battista 44
- Ferranti, Marco Aurelio Zani de 27
- Ferrara, Bernardo 3
- Ferrari, Alfonso 1
- Ferrari, Benedetto 3
- Ferrari, Carlo 3
- Ferrari, Domenico 3
- Ferrari, Gabrielle 3
- Ferrari, Giacomo Gotifredo 31
- Ferrari, Gustave 10
- Ferraris, Francesco 1
- Ferrata, Giuseppe 20
- Ferrer, José 89
- Ferrer, Manuel Ygnacio 2
- Ferrer, Melcior de 2
- Ferretti, Giovanni 3
- Ferretti, Liveretto 9
- Ferri, Nicola 2
- Ferriol, Bartolomé 1
- Ferro, Stefano 4
- Ferronati, Giacomo 2
- Ferroni, Vincenzo 3
- Ferroud, Pierre-Octave 16
- Fesca, Alexander 37
- Fesca, Friedrich Ernst 19
- Fesch, Willem de 23
- Fessy, Alexandre Charles 11
- Festa, Costanzo 4
- Festing, Michael Christian 12
- Festl, Adolf 1
- Festoni 1
- Fétis, François-Joseph 19
- Fétis, François-Joseph 3
- Fetrás, Oscar 83
- Fetrás, Oscar 2
- Fettweiss, Carl 1
- Feuillard, Louis R. 3
- Févin, Antoine de 2
- Février, Henry 3
- Février, Henry 9
- Février, Pierre 1
- Feyhl, Johannes 2
- Feyzeau, J. 1
- Fiala, Johann 1
- Fibich, Zdeněk 50
- Fiby, Heinrich 1
- Fickenscher, Arthur 3
- Fiebach, Otto 1
- Fiebig, Johann Christoph Anton 1
- Fiedler, Max 7
- Field, J. T. 1
- Field, John 137
- Fielitz, Alexander von 14
- Fier, Jean Baptiste de 20
- Fiesenig, Julius 1
- Fiet, Charles 1
- Figueredo, Pedro Felipe 1
- Fijan, André 1
- Filipowicz, Elise-Minelli 1
- Filippov, Terty 1
- Filipucci, Edmond 2
- Filke, Max 6
- Filliaux-Tiger, Louise 4
- Fillmore, Augustus Damon 4
- Fillmore, Frederick Augustus 2
- Fillmore, Henry 9
- Fillmore, James Henry 8
- Fillmore, John Comfort 7
- Filomena, Nicola 1
- Filtz, Johann Anton 26
- Finamore, Francesco 16
- Finck, Heinrich 2
- Finck, Herman 20
- Finck, Hermann 1
- Findeisen, Theodor Albin 4
- Finger, Godfrey 1
- Finger, Gottfried 8
- Fink, Christian 5
- Fink, Franz 1
- Fink, Gottfried Wilhelm 1
- Fink, Wilhelm 3
- Finn, William J. 1
- Finno, Jaakko 1
- Finzenhagen, Hermann 1
- Finzenhagen, Ludwig Hermann Otto 1
- Fiocco, Jean-Joseph 1
- Fiocco, Joseph-Hector 3
- Fioravanti, Valentino 8
- Fioré, Andrea Stefano 2
- Fiorelli, Carlo 2
- Fiorentino, G. 1
- Fiorenza, Nicola 2
- Fiorillo, Federigo 45
- Fiorillo, Ignatio 2
- Fiorino, Gasparo 1
- Fioroni, Giovanni Andrea 1
- Firket, Leon 1
- Fischel, Max 1
- Fischer, Adolphe 6
- Fischer, August Gottlob 1
- Fischer, Carl 2
- Fischer, Carl August 6
- Fischer, Emile 16
- Fischer, G. C. 1
- Fischer, Johann 4
- Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand 11
- Fischer, Johann Christian 13
- Fischer, Leonhard 2
- Fischer, Ludwig 2
- Fischer, Matthäus 2
- Fischer, Michael Gotthard 15
- Fischer, Otto 4
- Fischer-Weber, Paul 1
- Fischetti, Matteo Luigi 2
- Fischhof, Robert 28
- Fischietti, Domenico 8
- Fischietti, Giovanni 1
- Fisher, Arthur Elwell 2
- Fisher, Edward 2
- Fisher, Leander 10
- Fisher, William Arms 10
- Fiske, William Orville 3
- Fissot, Alexis-Henri 1
- Fitelberg, Grzegorz 3
- Fitz, Asa 6
- Fitzenhagen, Wilhelm 12
- Fitzpatrick, John J. 3
- Flackton, William 8
- Flad, J 1
- Flagg, Josiah 1
- Flagler, Isaac Van Vleck 0
- Flagler, Isaac Van Vleck 6
- Flament, Édouard 4
- Flaminio, F. 5
- Flaschner, Gotthelf Benjamin 1
- Fleck, Fritz 2
- Fleck, O.L. 1
- Flégier, Ange 2
- Flégier, Ange 9
- Fleischmann, Friedrich 1
- Fleischmann, Otto 3
- Flesch, Carl 4
- Fletcher, Percy Eastman 46
- Fleuret, Daniel 8
- Fleury, Hélène 4
- Fleury, Nicolas 1
- Flick, C. Roland 1
- Fliege, Hermann 2
- Flies, Bernhard 4
- Flint, James 1
- Flint, Timothy 1
- Flocco, Alfredo 1
- Flocon, Louis 1
- Flodin, Karl 1
- Flon, Philippe 1
- Floridia, Pietro 49
- Florimo, Francesco 7
- Florio, Caryl 3
- Flotow, Friedrich von 52
- Flügel, Gustav 12
- Flügel, Gustav 4
- Fobes, Azariah 1
- Foden, William 27
- Fodor, Carel Anton 9
- Fodor, Josephus 11
- Foerster, Adolf Martin 7
- Foerster, Adolph Martin 14
- Foerster, Anton 1
- Foerster, Josef Bohuslav 29
- Fogg, Eric 3
- Foggia, Francesco 2
- Fogliano, Ludovico 1
- Fogliaris, Joannes Baptista de 1
- Foglietti Alberola, Luis 1
- Foignet, Charles Gabriel 5
- Folinea, Modestina 2
- Folk Songs, American 9
- Folk Songs, Austrian 5
- Folk Songs, Azerbaijani 1
- Folk Songs, Costa Rican 1
- Folk Songs, Danish 5
- Folk Songs, Dutch 1
- Folk Songs, English 20
- Folk Songs, Finnish 2
- Folk Songs, French 5
- Folk Songs, German 75
- Folk Songs, Irish 7
- Folk Songs, Russian 6
- Folk Songs, Scottish 44
- Folk Songs, Swiss 4
- Folk Songs, Welsh 4
- Folly, A. P. L. de 2
- Foltmar, Johan 1
- Fomin, Boris 11
- Fomin, Yevstigney 1
- Fonseca, Ida Henriette da 1
- Fonseca, Ricardo Porfyrio da 1
- Fonta, Laure 1
- Fontaine, Antoine-Nicolas-Marie 1
- Fontana, Antonio 1
- Fontana, B.C. 1
- Fontana, Fabrizio 2
- Fontana, Giovanni Battista 3
- Fontana, Julian 11
- Fontanilla, Pedro 1
- Fontbonne, Leon 2
- Fontenailles, Hercule de 15
- Fontenailles, Jacques 2
- Fonzo, Pasquale Ernesto 10
- Foote, Arthur 167
- Forberg, Friedrich 2
- Forbush, Abijah 1
- Forchhammer, Theophil 3
- Ford, Thomas 2
- Foresi, Mario 5
- Forestier, J. 1
- Forestier, Joseph 10
- Forgues, Émile 5
- Forino, Luigi 3
- Forkel, Johann Nikolaus 14
- Formschneider, Hieronymus 1
- Fornasa, Ettore 3
- Foroni, Jacopo 1
- Forqueray, Antoine 3
- Forqueray, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine 1
- Förster, Alban 16
- Förster, Christoph 10
- Forster, Dorothy 10
- Förster, Emanuel Aloys 18
- Forster, Georg 7
- Förster, Kaspar 4
- Forsyth, Cecil 27
- Forsyth, Wesley Octavius 6
- Forterre, Henri 5
- Fortescue Harrison, Annie 4
- Fortia de Piles, Alphonse 1
- Foscarina, Mario 31
- Foscarini, Giovanni 1
- Foschini, Gaetano Ferdinando 4
- Foster, Fay 5
- Foster, Myles Birket 29
- Foster, Stephen 214
- Foucher, Georges 1
- Fougstedt, Nils-Eric 1
- Foulds, John 5
- Foulis, David 1
- Fouqué, Octave 12
- Fourdrain, Félix 38
- Fourdrain, Félix 3
- Fournier, Camille 1
- Fournier, Pierre Simon 1
- Foux, G.F. 1
- Fowle, Julia 3
- Fowle, Thomas Lloyd 1
- Fowles, Ernest 1
- Fox Strangways, Arthur Henry 1
- Fox, Charlotte Milligan 2
- Fox, Felix 1
- Fradel, Charles 21
- Fragerolle, Georges 2
- Fragna, Luigi 8
- Fragoso, António 8
- Fragoso, António 1
- Fraiquin, Mathilde 2
- Franceschini, Gaetano 2
- Franchetti, Alberto 7
- Franchi, Carlo 1
- Franchi, Giovanni Pietro 2
- Franchomme, Auguste 25
- Francis, George Thomas 1
- Francisque, Antoine 1
- Franck, César 237
- Franck, Eduard 8
- Franck, Georges 1
- Franck, Johann Wolfgang 3
- Franck, Joseph 6
- Franck, Melchior 13
- Franck, Richard 13
- Franck, Salomo 1
- Francke, Hermann 1
- Franckenstein, Clemens von 3
- Francmesnil, Roger de 4
- Franco-Mendès, Jacques 5
- Francoeur, Louis 2
- Francoeur, Louis-Joseph 3
- François, Clément 2
- Francur, François 20
- Francœur, Louis 1
- Franek, Gabriel 1
- Frank, Ernst 2
- Franke Harling, William 2
- Franke, Friedrich Wilhelm 1
- Franke, Hermann 1
- Franke, Max 1
- Frankenberger, Heinrich Friedrich 1
- Franklin, Bernard 2
- Franklin, Frederic A. 2
- Franz, Heinrich 1
- Franz, J. 13
- Franz, Oscar 4
- Franz, Robert 87
- Franz, Vittorio 2
- Fränzl, Ferdinand 2
- Fränzl, Ferdinand 12
- Fränzl, Ignaz 7
- Frascini, 1
- Fraser, Simon 2
- Fraser-Simson, Harold 5
- Frawley, William 1
- Frederick II 34
- Fredi, Silvio 1
- Freed, Isadore 1
- Freeman, James J. 2
- Freer, Eleanor Everest 16
- Freillon Poncein, Jean-Pierre 5
- Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian 3
- Freitas Branco, Luís de 4
- Freithoff, Johan Henrik 5
- Freixanet, 5
- Frêlon, Louis-François-Alexandre 2
- Frémolle, Guillaume 2
- French, Jacob 1
- French, L.M. 1
- French, Percy 1
- Freni, Sebastiano 1
- Frenzel, Hermann Robert 3
- Frère André, 1
- Freschi, Domenico 10
- Frescobaldi, Girolamo 55
- Fresnoy, Madame 1
- Frey, Adolf 2
- Frey, Carl 2
- Frey, Charles T. 1
- Frey, Emil 19
- Frey, Johann 1
- Freyer, August 3
- Freyne, Rollo de 1
- Freystädtler, Franz Jakob 5
- Fricker, Herbert A. 6
- Friderici, Daniel 3
- Fridzeri, Alessandro Maria Antonio 5
- Fried, Oskar 3
- Friedberg, Carl 2
- Friedemann, Carl 4
- Friedenthal, Albert 1
- Friedlaender, Max 3
- Friedman, Ignaz 80
- Friedman, Leo 27
- Friedrich, Ferdinand 4
- Frields, Olive L. 5
- Frieman, Gustav 3
- Fries, Albin 3
- Fries, Johannes 2
- Fries, Wulf 1
- Friese, L. 1
- Frike, Joseph 6
- Friml, Rudolf 59
- Frimmel, Theodor von 1
- Friskin, James 1
- Fritz, Gaspard 5
- Fritze, Wilhelm 2
- Froberger, Johann Jacob 30
- Fröhlich, Franz Joseph 9
- Fröhlich, Friedrich Theodor 0
- Fröhlich, Friedrich Theodor 58
- Frojo, Giovanni 3
- Fromant, 2
- Froment, Léon 2
- Frommer, Albert 1
- Frommer, Paul 11
- Frontera de Valldemossa, Francisco 1
- Fronti, Miguel 2
- Frontini, Francesco Paolo 98
- Frost, Charles Joseph 5
- Frost, Rufus 1
- Frugatta, Giuseppe 3
- Frühling, Carl 7
- Fry, George 1
- Fry, William Henry 8
- Fryer, Herbert 1
- Fryklöf, Harald 5
- Frysinger, Frank 26
- Frøhlich, Johannes Frederik 12
- Fuchs, Albert 3
- Fuchs, Georg Friedrich 14
- Fuchs, Oscar 4
- Fuchs, R. 1
- Fuchs, Robert 104
- Fuchs-Schönbach, Ernst 1
- Fučík, Julius 13
- Fučík, Julius 3
- Fučłk, Julius 2
- Füger, Gottlieb Christian 1
- Fuhrmann, Georg Leopold 1
- Fuhrmann, Martin Heinrich 1
- Fuhrmeister, Fritz 2
- Fuller-Maitland, John Alexander 12
- Fulton, Bert Lee 2
- Fulton, E. L. 1
- Fulton, James Melville 5
- Fulvio, Mario 1
- Fumagalli, Adolfo 13
- Fumagalli, Polibio 8
- Fumet, Dynam-Victor 2
- Funck, David 1
- Funcke, Friedrich 1
- Funk, Joseph 6
- Furlanetto, Bonaventura 2
- Furriel, Alfonso 2
- Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard 38
- Fusco, Alessandro 1
- Fusco, Nicola 2
- Fusco, Peppino 1
- Fusz, János 2
- Fux, Johann Joseph 75
- Franquin, Merri 1
- Fatzaun, Winand 16
- Fróes, Silvio Deolindo 20
- Fawkyner, 1
- Fall, Moritz 1
- Frontini, Martino 19
- Frey, Martin 2
- Fearis, John Sylvester 6
- Farnaby, Richard 3
- Fleming, José Lino de Almeida 2
- Folcardet, F.J. 0
- Fox, George 0
- Flood, Edwin 3
- French, Gordon 8
- Förster, Rudolf 9
- Federmann, Max 0
- Fleischer, Friedrich Gottlob 5
- Fauchet, Paul 1
- Francia, Leopoldo 1
- Franssen, Elbert 1
- Fernández, Heraclio 0
- Fürstenau, Kaspar 3
- Fresco, Joan 1
- Fisher, Howard 7
- Farias, Emilia Duque Estrada de 2
- Fossa, François de 6
- Folville, Juliette 2
- Fichtelberger, Lorenz 1
- Frantzen, Heinrich 5
- Fletcher, William Jonas 2
- Fosse, Paul 1
- Fossoul, Yves 7
- Fontenailles, Jacques de 1
- Ferreira Jr., Clemente 8
- Frommel, H.C. 3
- Feldmann, C.W. 4
- Flügel, Ernst 1
- Folk Songs, Hungarian 2
- Fuchs-Delaye, Elisa 3
- Franchetti, G. 2
- Flynn, Howard 1
- Farrenc, Victorine 4
- Fumagalli, Carlo 4
- Frolov, Markian 4
- Farebrother, Bernard 1
- Flath, Paul Walter 1
- Felton, William M. 1
- Fürnschuß, Karl 1
- Frécheville, Gustave 1
- Flynn, John H. 3
- Foreit, Anton 5
- Ferronati, Lodovico 1
- Florès, Jean 1
- Folk Songs, Swedish 1
- Fleuriot, Charles de 1
- Farinel, Michel 1
- Févin, Robert de 1
- Fidler, Bohumil 1
- Fragson, Harry 2
- Falkenberg, Georges 2
- Ferreira, Joaquim 16
- Foucquet, Pierre-Claude 3
- Fronzuto, Graziano 2
- Formby Sr, George 1
- Flatow, Leon 2
- Farigoul, Joseph 1
- Frey, Hugo 7
- Freed, Arthur 1
- Fisher, Fred 49
- Furst, William 4
- Fairman, George 9
- Friend, Cliff 11
- Fiorito, Ted 10
- Fischler, Harry A. 13
- Finke, Fidelio Friedrich 4
- Freedman, Max C. 2
- Fieldhouse, Alfred 5
- Fisher, Mark 1
- Ferir, Emile 1
- Franklin, Malvin M. 6
- Fischer, Tad 2
- Fields, Arthur 1
- Frank, Maurits 1
- Freire Jr., Francisco José 20
- Fagan, James Bernard 1
- Frangkiser, Carl 1
- Fantini, Girolamo 1
- Fyffe, Will 1
- Franklyn, Blanche 1
- Friedland, Anatol 11
- Fagan, Barney 3
- Fall, Richard 3
- Fox, Albert H. 1
- Friedlander, William B. 3
- Fazioli, Billy 2
- Franklin, Irene 1
- Flath, P. Hans 1
- Facoli, Marco 2
- Friðfinnsson, Jón 60
- Fischer, Blasius 1
- Freeman, Carolyn R. 1
- Firpo, Roberto 1
- Ferrandiere, Fernando 9
- Flynn, Allan 2
- Folk Songs, Brazilian 103
- Fay, Frank 1
- França, Agnello 1
- Fanciulli, Francesco 1
- Fitz, Albert H. 1
- Flick, Charles Roland 1
- Fox, Eddie 5
- Freedley, Vinton 1
- Folk Songs, Czech 1
- Furno, Giovanni 2
- Ford, Ernest 2
- Forbes, George 2
- Faist, Anton 1
- Fiala, Joseph 9
- Frech, Johann Georg 1
- Fischer, Stanisław 1
- Fernandez de Monge, Fernand 1
- Finzi, Gerald 3
- Fossey, Léon 1
- Ficheroulle, Jérôme 1
- Frey, E. H. 43
- Führer, Robert 1
- Falcke, Henri 1
- Frøhlich, Johannes Frederik 1
- Fitzwilliam, Edward Francis 2
- Franzoni, Amante 1
- French, Frank 1
- Fuchs, Franz Raymund 2
- Fontes Jr., A. 2
- Fitzgerald, Maie 1
- Fischer, Burton Edward 1
- Fitts, Lou 1
- Fallis, D. J. 1
- Foucault, Adhémar de 2
- Freeman, Harold B. 13
- França, L. 2
- Faber, H. F. 1
- Farmer, Rex 1
- Filho, Constantino 3
- Fisher, G. L. 1
- Fox, Will H. 3
- Felice, Inganno 1
- Furtwängler, Wilhelm 1
- Filho, Lucindo 1
- Fluminense, João 7
- Flanagan, T. Jay 2
- Fry, William H. 3
- Frey, Otto 1
- Frankl, Abe 2
- Francis, William T. 7
- Firth, T. J. 1
- Ferguson, Harry 1
- Forestier, Frank 1
- Fischer, A. L. 1
- Fier, Neuman 3
- Feiner, Leo 1
- Farrell, Tom 2
- Farrell, Fred C. 1
- Fitzgibbon, Bert 1
- Ford, John 2
- Forshay, D. E. 1
- Fortune, M. A. 1
- Franckenberg, Hermann 1
- Fehr, Joseph Anton 1
- Ferek, Roman 1
- Ferrer, Mateo 1
- Famechon, Edmond 1
- Fabregas, Salvador 1
- Folk Songs, Portuguese 1
- Fanta, Franz 1
- Fahy, James 1
- Fischhof, Joseph 1
- Fonseca, J. Thiago da 1
- Fuchs, Otto 1
- Ford, Abbie A. 11
- Francke, Richard 2
- French, Harry 1
- Farmer, Henry L. 1
- Florio, Pietro Grassi 2
- French, L. M. 1
- Fitelberg, Jerzy 1
- Flach, Gustaw 2
- Fleiszner-Enis, Léopoldine 1
- Ferraz, Lucas José Vieira 3
- Friedrich, Antoni 1
- Frank, Max 1
- Frenkel, Richard 1
- Fredericks, Henry 1
- Fieldhouse, Will 1
- Felipe, Julian 3
- Farnham, George M. 1
- Fleming, Albert 1
- Florance, Claude 1
- Fechner, Jul. 1
- Fink, Albert L. 1
- Friedman, A. G. 1
- Falcão, Enéas 1
- Fonseca, Martiniano Pereira da 1
- Feltman, Alfred 1
- Frodl, Carl 2
- Fagan, F. M. 1
- Foley, Roy M. 1
- Frédéric, Charles 1
- Franklin, Benjamin 1
- Farman, Ambroise 1
- Felton, Michael 1
- Fregiotti, Dionigio 2
- Franz, J. H. 1
- Ferdinando, Felice 1
- Fischler, Max E. 1
- Fioravanti, Vincenzo 4
- Fortea, Daniel 19
- Friðrik Bjarnason, 2
- Foster, Henry W. 1
- Frustaci, Pasquale 1
- Franz, Arthur 1
- Francis, James F. 1
- Finch, Fred H. 1
- Francis, S. 1
- Feldmann, Daniel 1
- Fawcett, George E. 1
- Franke, Theodor 1
- Falkenstein, George 1
- Ferrata, Nicolo 1
- Fairfield, James Alvin 1
- Ferreira, Cruz 3
- Fernandes, K. Brito 1
- Frick, Anthony C. 1
- Furry, E. Warren 1
- Field, Virginia 1
- Flivver, A. 1
- Frank, M. H. 1
- Forrest, Jeanette 1
- Fritsch, H. F. 1
- Frankensteen, Harold L. 2
- Figueiredo, Arthur Pires de 1
- Fitzgerald, Riter 1
- Frank, Alfred B. 1
- Farrar, Frederic Emerson 1
- Fredericks, Julian 2
- Faust, Henri 1
- Fallamero, Gabriel 1
- Fitzgibbon, Dave 1
- Fontelle, Ella 2
- Freeborn, Cass 1
- Felman, Hazel 1
- Fowler, Edna May 1
- Fenn, Ferdinand 1
- Ford, Hortense 1
- Fletcher II, John 2
- Foster, Lucille M. 1
- Freitas Jr., 1
- Fisher, Mae 1
- Frances, Irene 1
- Folk Songs, Spanish 1
- Freylinghausen, Johann Anastasius 1
- Falcão Jr., B. J. 1
- Fitzgibbon, Lew 1
- Foote, Bayard E. 1
- Flynn, Norah 1
- Fields, Harry W. 1
- Folz, Michel 1
- Finzel, George H. 1
- Florence, Mrs. W. J. 1
- Floersheim, Otto 1
- Friedrich, Lübbert 1
- Fulmer, H. J. 1
- Fifer, C. Arthur 1
- Folk Songs, Bolivian 1
- Fernandez, C. 1
- Freeman, H. Lawrence 1
- Fitzgibbon, Lou 1
- Fuller, Charles A. 1
- Frigerio, Paul A. 2
- Fassbinder, William B. 1
- Fox, Oscar J. 1
- Fleming, Phil 1
- Franchi, Alessandro 1
- Fleischer, A. 1
- Fleisher, Edwin A. 1
- Franco Mendes, Hans 6
- Franco, Cesare 1
- Feautrier, Eugène 4
- Fischer, Carl Ludwig 1
- Fonseca, Euclides 1
- Futuristov, M 1
- Fontaine, Antoine 1
- Ferrari, Carlotta 1
- Fago, Lorenzo 2
- Fuchs, Carl 3
- Fine, Irving Gifford 1
- Friedel, Gustav 1
- Fritsch, Henri 1
- Feldmayr, Georg 3
- Filtsch, Carl 4
- Finney, Ross Lee 3
- Filippi, Filippo 3
- Friedell, Harold 1
- Flemming, Fritz 1
- Fano, Guido Alberto 1
- Fráter, Loránd 1
- Flagny, Lucien de 1
- Febvre-Longeray, Albert 1
- Françaix, Jean 1
- Fain, Sammy 1
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