- Category
- Gaal, Ferencz 1
- Gabellone, Gaspare 1
- Gabetti, Giuseppe 6
- Gabillaud, Louis 2
- Gabler, Christoph August 8
- Gabler, Egon 1
- Gabriel, Charles Hutchinson 12
- Gabriel, Virginia 20
- Gabrieli, Andrea 44
- Gabrieli, Giovanni 14
- Gabrielli, Domenico 0
- Gabrielli, Ladislav 1
- Gabrielli, Nicolò 2
- Gabrielski, Johann Wilhelm 20
- Gabrilowitsch, Ossip 8
- Gabussi, Vincenzo 2
- Gaby, Paul 1
- Gacia, 1
- Gadda, Giulio 1
- Gade, Axel 2
- Gade, Niels 193
- Gadsby, Henry Robert 3
- Gael, Henri van 37
- Gaffi, Tommaso Bernardo 6
- Gaffurius, Franchinus 17
- Gagliano, Marco da 8
- Gagnon, Ernest 16
- Gagnon, Gustave 1
- Gaide, Paul 3
- Gail, Sophie 9
- Gaines, Samuel Richards 4
- Gaito, Constantino 1
- Galbraith, J. Lamont 6
- Gale, Clement Rowland 1
- Galeazzi, Francesco 1
- Galeotti, Cesare 14
- Galeotti, Stefano 6
- Galgani, Eduardo 8
- Galiani, Celestino 2
- Galilei, Vincenzo 8
- Galimberti, Giuseppe 2
- Galkin, Nikolay 1
- Gall, Jan Karol 59
- Gallay, Jacques François 21
- Gallay, Jacques François 3
- Gallenberg, Wenzel Robert von 5
- Galletti, Mauro 3
- Galli, Amintore 5
- Galli, Biagio 1
- Galli, Giorgio 1
- Galli, Raffaele 28
- Galliard, Johann Ernst 19
- Galliculus, Johannes 2
- Gallignani, Giuseppe 2
- Gallini, Luigi 9
- Gallisay Pilo, Priamo 19
- Gallo, Alberto 2
- Gallo, Carlo 2
- Gallo, Domenico 3
- Gallois, Charles 2
- Gallois, Victor 2
- Galloni, Giuseppe Prospero 1
- Gallot, Augustin 1
- Galloway, Tod B. 1
- Galos, Giselle 23
- Galpin, Francis William 1
- Galston, Gottfried 1
- Galuppi, Baldassare 196
- Gálvez, Rafael 1
- Gambale, Emmanuele 2
- Gämbär, Huseynli 7
- Gambardella, Salvatore 27
- Gambarini, Elisabetta de 6
- Gambaro, Vincenzo 4
- Gambini, Carlo Andrea 2
- Gamble, John 2
- Ganassi, Sylvestro 6
- Ganaye, Jean-Baptiste 5
- Gandino, Adolfo 2
- Gandon, Joanny 2
- Ganne, Louis 47
- Gänsbacher, Johann Baptist 2
- Gänschals, Carl 21
- Gänschals, Carl 1
- Ganspeckh, Wilhelm 3
- Ganthony, Joseph 1
- Gantzert, Berthold 1
- Ganz, Moritz 5
- Ganz, Wilhelm 23
- Garat, Dominique-Pierre-Jean 10
- Garaudé, Alexis de 2
- Garayev, Gara 1
- Garbet, Gabriel 2
- Garcia Jr., Manuel 8
- García Lorca, Federico 1
- Garcia Robles, Josep 1
- García Sr., Manuel 11
- García, Fulgencio 1
- Garcia, Phillip 1
- Garcin, Jules Auguste Salomon 9
- Gardana, Enea 30
- Gardano, Antonio 8
- Gardel, Carlos 5
- Gardel, Pierre-Gabriel 1
- Gardel-Hervé, 1
- Gardiner, Henry Balfour 8
- Gardner, John Twiname 1
- Gardner, Samuel 1
- Gargiulo, Pasquale 1
- Gariboldi, Giuseppe 27
- Gariboldi, Vinc. 1
- Gariel, Edoardo 1
- Garimond, Hippolyte Xavier 3
- Garnery, H. Aimé 1
- Garnier, Édouard 6
- Garnier, Ernest 1
- Garnier, Frédéric 2
- Garnier, Joseph-François 3
- Garratt, Percival 5
- Garreta, Juli 3
- Garrett, George Mursell 8
- Garsó, Siga 1
- Garstin, Harold 2
- Garth, John 6
- Garzaroli, 1
- Garzia, Urbano 2
- Gaschin, Countess Fanny de 1
- Gascongne, Mathieu 1
- Gaspardini, Gasparo 1
- Gasparin, Valérie Boissier de 1
- Gasparini, Francesco 43
- Gasparini, Michelangelo 1
- Gasparini, Quirino 6
- Gasse, Ferdinand 5
- Gassmann, Florian Leopold 17
- Gast, Friedrich Moritz 16
- Gastaldon, Stanislao 6
- Gastinel, Léon Gustave Cyprien 3
- Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo 12
- Gastorius, Severus 1
- Gastoué, Amédée 3
- Gatayes, Guillaume-Pierre-Antoine 10
- Gatscha, Anton 1
- Gatti, Domenico 1
- Gatti, Theobaldo di 1
- Gatty, Alfred Scott 21
- Gaubert, Philippe 33
- Gauby, Josef 1
- Gaude, Theodor 17
- Gaudiosi, Gennaro 1
- Gaul, Alfred Robert 17
- Gaul, Harvey B. 29
- Gaultier, Denis 2
- Gaultier, Ennemond 1
- Gauntlett, Henry John 7
- Gauthier, Gabriel 1
- Gauthiez, Cécile 2
- Gautier, Eugène 10
- Gautier, Léonard 1
- Gauwin, Adolphe 5
- Gaveaux, Pierre 22
- Gaviniès, Pierre 1
- Gaviniès, Pierre 10
- Gawroński, Wojciech 11
- Gawthorn, Nathaniel 1
- Gay, Joan 1
- Gaygerova, Varvara 4
- Gaynor, Jessie L. 6
- Gaynor, Rose Fenimore 2
- Gayrhos, Eugen 2
- Gaztambide, Joaquín 27
- Gazzaniga, Giuseppe 5
- Gearen, Joseph 1
- Geary, Gustavus 3
- Geary, Thomas Augustine 8
- Gebauer, François René 3
- Gebauer, Johan Christian 1
- Gebauer, Michel-Joseph 8
- Gebel, Franz Xaver 4
- Gebest, Charles J. 3
- Gebhardi, Ludwig Ernst 4
- Gédalge, André 3
- Gédalge, André 14
- Gedike, Aleksandr 57
- Gedike, Fyodor 1
- Gedike, Karl 1
- Geehl, Henry 2
- Gegenbach, Nikolaus 1
- Gehde, Nicholas 1
- Gehot, Joseph 4
- Gehra, August Heinrich 2
- Geibel, Adam 31
- Geiger, Constanze 2
- Geiss, Loth. 1
- Geissler, Carl 4
- Geist, Paul 1
- Gelinek, Joseph 24
- Gelli, Ettore 2
- Geminiani, Francesco 104
- Gemmingen, Ernst von 1
- Genée, Richard 5
- Genée, Richard 6
- Generali, Pietro 7
- Genet, Constantin 2
- Geng, Charles 2
- Genin jeune, T. 1
- Génin, Paul-Agricole 5
- Genishta, Iosif 14
- Genlis, Félicité de 1
- Genss, Hermann 1
- Gentile, Giovanni 1
- Gentili, Giorgio 3
- Geoffroy, Jean-Baptiste 1
- Georges, Alexandre 21
- Gera, August Heinrich 1
- Gérardy, Dieudonné 1
- Gerber, Julius 1
- Gerber, Rudolf 1
- Gerbert, Martin 2
- Gerhard, Roberto 2
- Gerhardt (d.1946), Paul 1
- Gericke, Wilhelm 2
- Gérin, Louis 1
- Gerke, August 2
- Gerlach, Carl Ludvig 1
- Gerlach, Gustav 1
- Gerle, Hans 3
- German, Edward 95
- Germano, Carlo 2
- Germer, Heinrich 1
- Gernsheim, Friedrich 77
- Gero, Jhan 2
- Gerrish, William H. 3
- Gersbach, Joseph 1
- Gershwin, George 65
- Gerson, Georg 338
- Gerson, L. 1
- Gervais, Charles-Hubert 32
- Gervais, Laurent 1
- Gervaise, Claude 18
- Gervasio, Giovanni Battista 10
- Gervasoni, Carlo 2
- Gesius, Bartholomäus 4
- Geslin, Philippe Marc Antoine 2
- Gesslein, Georg 1
- Gessner, Adolph 1
- Gesualdo, Carlo 19
- Getze, Jacob Alfred 6
- Gevaert, François-Auguste 27
- Gevaert, François-Auguste 3
- Geyer, Flodoard 2
- Ghavidel, Ata 1
- Ghébart, Giuseppe 5
- Gherardeschi, Filippo Maria 2
- Gherardini, Arcangelo 1
- Gherardini, Domenico 1
- Gheyn, Matthias van den 6
- Ghibel, Eliseo 1
- Ghiselin, Johannes Verbonnet 2
- Ghivizzani, Alessandro 1
- Ghizeghem, Hayne van 2
- Ghizzolo, Giovanni 6
- Ghys, Henri 13
- Ghys, Joseph 8
- Giacobetti, Pietro Amico Ripano 1
- Giacomelli, Geminiano 17
- Giai, Giovanni Antonio 7
- Gianella, Luigi 3
- Gianettini, Giovanni Antonio 3
- Giannelli, Giuseppe 5
- Giannetti, Giuseppe 3
- Giannini, Alberto 2
- Giannini, Angelo O. 2
- Giannini, Giacomo 3
- Giannini, Leopoldo 1
- Giannini, Vittorio 4
- Gianotti, Pietro 4
- Giardini, Felice 30
- Gibaux, Louis 1
- Gibbons, Orlando 56
- Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong 14
- Gibson, Archer 4
- Gibsone, Ignace 7
- Gide, Casimir 1
- Giedde, Werner Hans Rudolph Rosenkrantz 1
- Giehrl, Joseph 1
- Gierosa, Carlo 1
- Gieseking, Walter 4
- Gigault, Nicolas 3
- Gignoux, M. E. 1
- Gigout, Eugène 21
- Gigout, Eugène 6
- Gilbert, Harry Mathena 1
- Gilbert, Henry Franklin Belknap 24
- Gilbert, Jean 23
- Gilbert, Russell Snively 1
- Gilberté, Hallett 1
- Gilchrist, William Wallace 45
- Gildon, John 11
- Giles, John 1
- Gilis, Antoine 11
- Gille, Jacob Edvard 2
- Gilles, Bonaventure 1
- Gilles, Jean 3
- Gillet, Ernest 36
- Gillet, Georges 2
- Gillette, James Robert 7
- Gillier, Jean Claude 7
- Gillington, Alice E. 3
- Gilman, Lawrence 1
- Gilmore, Patrick Sarsfield 6
- Gilse, Jan van 1
- Gilsinn, Michael Angelo 2
- Gilson, Cornforth 1
- Gilson, Paul 21
- Gimbel Junior, Charles 5
- Giménez, Gerónimo 3
- Giner, Salvador 1
- Gintze, Theodor 1
- Gintzler, Simon 3
- Giordani, Giuseppe 1
- Giordani, Tommaso 55
- Giordano, Carlo 1
- Giordano, Umberto 22
- Giorgetti, Ferdinando 7
- Giorgetti, Giovanni 2
- Giorgis, Giuseppe 1
- Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane 28
- Giorza, Paolo 12
- Giovannelli, Ruggiero 6
- Giraldoni, Leone 1
- Girard, Émile 2
- Girard, Harry 2
- Girard, L. 8
- Girard-Leduc, Alphonse-Charles 5
- Girardin, Louis Stanislas de 1
- Giraud, François-Joseph 1
- Giraud, Frédéric 2
- Giribaldi, Tomás 9
- Giró, Manuel 5
- Giroust, François 6
- Gitter, Joseph 1
- Giuliani, Antonio 3
- Giuliani, Giovanni Francesco 8
- Giuliani, Mauro 199
- Giuliani, Michele 4
- Giuliani-Guglielmi, Emilia 2
- Giuliano, Giuseppe 1
- Giunta, Giovan Maria 2
- Giuseppe, Dell'Orefice 2
- Giustini, Lodovico 1
- Giźycki, Gustav von 1
- Gjørling, August 3
- Glachant, Antoine-Charles 2
- Gladstone, Francis Edward 2
- Glaesz, Alexander von 1
- Glandaz, Albert 2
- Glareanus, Henricus 5
- Gläser, Franz 1
- Glass, Louis 19
- Glaus, Alfred 1
- Glazunov, Aleksandr 266
- Gleason, Frederic Grant 4
- Gleich, Andreas 1
- Gleissner, Franz 8
- Gleitz, Karl 2
- Gletle, Johann Melchior 5
- Glière, Reinhold 3
- Glière, Reinhold 114
- Glimes, Edgar de 3
- Glinka, Mikhail 180
- Glogau, Jack 12
- Glösch, Karl Wilhelm 1
- Glover, Charles William 50
- Glover, John William 1
- Glover, Stephen Ralph 84
- Glover, William 2
- Glover, William Howard 1
- Gluck, Christoph Willibald 245
- Glück, Friedrich 7
- Glück, Joseph 1
- Gluth, Viktor 1
- Glæser, Joseph 24
- Gnecchi, Vittorio 1
- Gnecco, Francesco 5
- Gnesin, Mikhail 40
- Gobatti, Stefano 2
- Gobbaerts, Louis 106
- Gobbi, Henri 1
- Goberna, Roberto 5
- Gockel, August 1
- Godard, Alfred 3
- Godard, Amédée 1
- Godard, Benjamin 301
- Godard, Dwight W. 1
- Goddard, Francis W. 1
- Goddard, Joseph 2
- Godebski, Franz 3
- Godefroid, Félix 84
- Godefroid, Félix 15
- Godfrey, Arthur E. 1
- Godfrey, Charles 15
- Godfrey, Daniel 14
- Godfrey, Percy 6
- Godin, Felix 4
- Godowsky, Leopold 63
- Godske-Nielsen, Svend 2
- Goens, Daniel Van 25
- Goepfart, Karl Eduard 10
- Goepfart, Otto Ernst 1
- Goerdeler, Richard 4
- Goetschius, Percy 12
- Goetz, Hermann 42
- Goeze, Nicolaus 2
- Gòis, Damião de 3
- Goldbeck, Robert 33
- Goldberg, Johann Gottlieb 6
- Goldberg, Joseph Pasquale 2
- Golde, H.J. 2
- Golden, John 9
- Goldenweiser, Aleksandr 14
- Goldis, M.L. 2
- Goldman, Edwin Franko 3
- Goldmann, Curt 1
- Goldmark, Carl 82
- Goldmark, Rubin 10
- Goldner, Wilhelm 24
- Goldschmidt, Adalbert von 4
- Goldschmidt, Alexander 1
- Goldschmidt, Otto 5
- Goldschmidt, Sigmund 2
- Golestan, Stan 5
- Golinelli, Stefano 14
- Golitsyn, Aleksandr Nikoayevich 1
- Goller, Vinzenz 12
- Goltermann, Georg 77
- Goltermann, Julius 1
- Goltz, Boris 6
- Gombert, Nicolas 17
- Gomes, Carlos 69
- Goméz, Tomás 1
- Gomis, José Melchor 7
- Gompertz, Richard 1
- Gonetti, Victor 1
- Gonzaga, Chiquinha 62
- González del Valle, Anselmo 22
- Gonzalez, Dolores 2
- Goodale, Ezekiel 1
- Goodhart, Arthur Murray 5
- Goodrich, Alfred John 1
- Goodrich, John Wallace 1
- Goodwin, Hugo 3
- Goodwin, Starling 3
- Goodwin, William 6
- Goossens, Eugene 41
- Göpfert, Carl Andreas 7
- Görbig, Antonín 1
- Gordigiani, Luigi 8
- Goria, Alexandre Édouard 49
- Goria, Alexandre Èdouard 4
- Göring, Ludwig 3
- Goritz, Otto 1
- Görner, Johann Valentin 2
- Görres, Maria 2
- Gorriti, Felipe 4
- Gorski, Konstanty Antoni 1
- Górski, Władysław 2
- Gorzanis, Giacomo 6
- Goss, John 10
- Goss-Custard, Reginald 4
- Gossec, Alexandre François Joseph 1
- Gossec, François Joseph 45
- Gossec, François Joseph 2
- Gossner, Johannes 1
- Gosswin, Anton 2
- Gotós, José 2
- Gottschalg, Alexander Wilhelm 2
- Gottschalk, Louis Ferdinand 7
- Gottschalk, Louis Moreau 270
- Gottschalksen, Carl 1
- Gottwald, Heinrich 2
- Götz, Alois 3
- Götze, Heinrich 1
- Götze, Heinrich 4
- Goubau d'Hovorst, Léopoldine 1
- Goublier, Gustave 12
- Goublier, Henri 1
- Goudimel, Claude 24
- Gouffé, Achille 2
- Goula, Juan 1
- Gould, Nathaniel Duren 4
- Gould, William Monk 1
- Gound, Robert 6
- Gounod, Charles 673
- Goussaincourt, René de 3
- Gouvy, Louis Théodore 47
- Gouvy, Louis Théodore 12
- Gouzien, Armand 11
- Gow, George Coleman 1
- Gow, John 2
- Gow, Nathaniel 6
- Gow, Niel 9
- Goyeneche, Bruno 1
- Gozenpud, Matvey 19
- Gozlan, Louis-Léon 2
- Graben-Hoffmann, Gustav 10
- Grabert, Martin 2
- Grace, Harvey 12
- Grädener, Carl Georg Peter 4
- Grädener, Carl Georg Peter 9
- Grädener, Hermann 2
- Grädener, Hermann 10
- Graeff, Johann Georg 16
- Graener, Paul 56
- Graf, Christian Ernst 14
- Graf, Emil 2
- Graf, Friedrich Hartmann 19
- Graf, Johann 2
- Gräfe, Friedebald 1
- Gräfe, Johann Friedrich 3
- Grafulla, Claudio S. 18
- Gragnani, Filippo 4
- Gragnano, G. 1
- Graham, A. Cyril 1
- Graham, Charles 23
- Grainger, Percy 85
- Gram, Hans 1
- Gram, Peder 2
- Gramegna, Pasquale 1
- Grammann, Carl 4
- Granados, Enrique 59
- Grancini, Michel Angelo 2
- Grandauer, Karl 2
- Grandi, Alessandro 10
- Grandjany, Marcel 7
- Grandval, Clémence de 15
- Grandval, Marie 13
- Grandval, Nicolas Racot de 5
- Granichstaedten, Bruno 6
- Granier, Jules 2
- Granier, Louis 1
- Granozio, Carlo 2
- Grant, John 1
- Grant, John B. 1
- Grant-Schaefer, George Alfred 7
- Gras, Amable 3
- Grasse, Edwin 5
- Grasset, Jean-Jacques 1
- Grassi, Bartolomeo 1
- Grassi, Ciro 4
- Grast, François Gabriel 4
- Grau, Wilhelmine 1
- Graun, Johann Gottlieb 163
- Graun, Karl Heinrich 149
- Graupner, Christoph 420
- Graupner, Gottlieb 3
- Graves, James Robinson 2
- Gravier 1
- Gravrand, Joseph 1
- Gray, Alan 19
- Gray, Louisa 7
- Gray, Robert 1
- Gray, William Benson 1
- Graziani, Bonifazio 8
- Graziani, Carlo 3
- Graziani, Giuseppe 1
- Graziani, Maximilien 23
- Graziani, Vincenzo-Maria 1
- Graziani-Walter, Carlo 3
- Grazioli, Giovan Battista 6
- Greatorex, Henry Wellington 2
- Greatorex, Martha 1
- Grechaninov, Aleksandr 91
- Greco, Gaetano 5
- Greef, Arthur de 8
- Greef, Wilhelm 1
- Green, James 4
- Greenberg, Isidore 1
- Greene, Henry Plunket 1
- Greene, John C. 1
- Greene, Maurice 31
- Greenish, Frederick Robert 1
- Greenop, Edith 1
- Greenwald, Martin 6
- Greenwood, Clara 2
- Greenwood, James 2
- Gregh, Louis 56
- Gregoir, Jacques 8
- Gregori, Giovanni Lorenzo 1
- Gregorian Chant 16
- Gregory (Mrs.), Clifford D. 1
- Greiner, Johann Theodor 1
- Greiter, Matthias 2
- Grelinger, Charles 10
- Grell, Eduard 7
- Grenser, Johan Fredrik 2
- Grétry, André Ernest Modeste 19
- Grétry, André Ernest Modeste 62
- Grétry, Lucile 1
- Gretscher, Philipp 3
- Greulich, Karl Wilhelm 2
- Grey, A. Ogilvie 1
- Grey, Charles John 22
- Grey, Gerald 1
- Grey, Katherine 1
- Griboyedov, Aleksandr 1
- Grieben, Th. 3
- Grieg, Edvard 639
- Griesbach, John Henry 1
- Griesbacher, Peter 3
- Griffes, Charles Tomlinson 24
- Griffin, George Eugene 8
- Griffiths, Henry Craven 3
- Grignani, Lodovico 1
- Grigny, Nicolas de 3
- Grill, Franz 3
- Grillet, Laurent 4
- Grimal, A. 1
- Grimm, Heinrich 1
- Grimm, Julius Otto 11
- Grimshaw, John 2
- Grisar, Albert 25
- Grisart, Charles 13
- Grison, Jules 4
- Griswold, Gertrude 1
- Grisy, Auguste 6
- Grobe, Charles 92
- Grobet, Louis 2
- Grodzky, Boleslav 16
- Groenevelt, Edward 1
- Grohmann, Edwin 2
- Gros, Adrien 2
- Gros, Antoine-Jean 1
- Grose, Michael Ehregott 2
- Grosjean, Claude 1
- Grosjean, Ernest 2
- Gross, Johann Benjamin 10
- Grosse, Otto 2
- Grosse, William Leopold 2
- Grossman, Ludwik 11
- Grossmith, George 25
- Grosz, Ludwig 1
- Grosz, Wilhelm 6
- Groth, Fredrik Christian 1
- Grothe, George 1
- Grotthuss, Dietrich Ewald von 3
- Grove, George 7
- Grovlez, Gabriel 22
- Grube, Charles H. 5
- Gruber, Edmund L. 1
- Gruber, Émile 4
- Gruber, Erasmus 1
- Gruber, Franz Xaver 10
- Gruber, Josef 11
- Grüel, Eugen 3
- Gruenberg, Eugene 3
- Gruenberg, Louis 11
- Grünbaum, W. 1
- Grünberger, Johann Georg 1
- Grünberger, Ludwig 3
- Grund, Friedrich Wilhelm 5
- Gruner, Nathanael Gottfried 2
- Grünfeld, Alfred 5
- Grünfeld, Alfred 62
- Grunn, Homer 8
- Grünwald, Adolf 3
- Grützmacher, Friedrich 2
- Grützmacher, Friedrich 25
- Gualco, Simplicio 1
- Gualtieri, Antonio 1
- Guami, Francesco 1
- Guami, Gioseffo 2
- Guarnieri, Francesco de 1
- Guatelli, Callisto 1
- Guaynard, Stephani 2
- Guédron, Pierre 2
- Guelbenzu, José 2
- Guénée, L. 1
- Guénin, Marie Alexandre 4
- Guenther, Richard 1
- Guercia, Alfonso 4
- Guérin, Georges 1
- Guerini, Francesco 13
- Guéroult, Auguste 10
- Guerrero, Francisco 10
- Guervós, Manuel 1
- Guest, Jane Mary 4
- Guest, John 3
- Guetary, Garme 1
- Gugel, Heinrich 2
- Guglielmi, C. 1
- Guglielmi, Gabriele 1
- Guglielmi, Pietro Alessandro 33
- Guglielmi, Pietro Carlo 3
- Guglielmo, Pasquale D. 3
- Guhr, Carl 5
- Guichard, A. 1
- Guichard, M. 1
- Guida, Luigi 3
- Guida, Prospero 16
- Guida, Vincenzo 2
- Guidetti, Giovanni Domenico 1
- Guido, Giovanni Antonio 1
- Guignon, Jean-Pierre 10
- Guilain, Jean-Adam 1
- Guilbaut, E. 11
- Guilbert, Yvette 2
- Guilhaud, Georges 3
- Guillaume, Eugène 1
- Guillemain, Louis-Gabriel 9
- Guillemant, Benoît 2
- Guilliaud, Maximilian 1
- Guilmant, Alexandre 125
- Guilmant, Louise 8
- Guimet, Émile 2
- Guiraud, Ernest 39
- Guiraud, Georges 6
- Guiraud, Omer 1
- Guiteras, Eusebi 1
- Guittard, Lucien Marie 1
- Gulbins, Max 2
- Gülker, August 4
- Gumbert, Ferdinand 38
- Gumbert, Friedrich 12
- Gumble, Albert 47
- Gumpelzhaimer, Adam 9
- Gungl, János 6
- Gungl, Joseph 158
- Gunkel, Adolf 4
- Gunn, Barnabas 8
- Gunn, John 5
- Gunsbourg, Raoul 2
- Gunst, Yevgeny 8
- Gunst, Yevgeny Ottovich 1
- Gunther, Anton 2
- Gurecký, Josef Antonín 2
- Guridi, Jesús 4
- Gurilyov, Aleksandr 4
- Gurilyov, Lev 9
- Gurlitt, Cornelius 73
- Gurney, Ivor 6
- Gutmann, Adolf 32
- Gutmann, Friedrich 2
- Guzman, Jorge de 1
- Gwilt, Joseph 1
- Gyrowetz, Adalbert 85
- Gordon, Ch. 1
- Göroldt, Johannes Heinrich 1
- Gilbert, Frederick Younge 3
- Gabiola, Bernardo 0
- Gomółka, Mikołaj 1
- Gaynor Blake, Dorothy 1
- Gussakovsky, Apollon 5
- Grosmann, Heinrich Ernst 4
- Grigi, Raoul 2
- Godfrey, Fred 2
- Gracey, Maurice 2
- Götze, Carl 0
- Gianelli, Carlo 0
- Gérard, G. 2
- Gwyther, Geoffrey 0
- Grudziński, Antoni Wawrzyniec 3
- George, Max 0
- Gallet, Luciano 12
- Gilardi, Gilardo 1
- Gál, Hans 8
- Gregh, Henri 0
- Garcia, José Maurício Nunes 11
- Godard, Felix 1
- Gramet, Alphonse 1
- Guarigue, Henri-Jean 3
- Greene, Edwin 1
- Groneman, Alberto 2
- Galliera, Arnaldo 1
- Gama, Alfredo 34
- Grofé, Ferde 2
- Géraldy, Just 2
- Godfrey, Adolphus Frederick 1
- Genoud, Gabriel 1
- Girschner, Karl Friedrich Johann 1
- Grassi, Eugène 1
- Grennebach, Gustav 3
- Gresnick, Antoine-Frédéric 4
- Guichard, François 2
- Geoffroy, Henri 1
- Gadenne, Alphonse 1
- Gladkovsky, Arseny 2
- Gioan, Henri 1
- Grant, Bert 28
- Goetz, Alma 3
- Gouvy, Léopold 2
- Göes, Carl 2
- Gasseau, Charles-Nicolas 1
- Galin, Pierre 4
- Goldberg, Léon 1
- Gothov-Grünecke, Ludwig 1
- Gailhard, André 3
- Gómez, Julio 1
- Garbett, Richard 1
- Gompertz, Gertrude 1
- Grimshaw, Arthur Edmund 2
- Gallot, Jacques 1
- Gazier, Eugène 1
- Gouvêa, Arnaud Duarte de 1
- Garcia Jr., José Maurício Nunes 4
- Gautier, Pierre 1
- Gerny, Ernest 2
- Gnesina, Elena 3
- G., J. C. N. 1
- Gantez, Annibal 1
- Guerau, Francisco 1
- Geay, Albert 2
- Gerber, Carl 1
- Giraudon, Gabriel 2
- Goldner, Emile 2
- Goulé, Jacques-Nicolas 1
- Grünberg, Max 1
- Grech, Gaetano 1
- Gruss, Theodor 1
- Gwynn Williams, William Sidney 1
- Gyllenhaal, Mathilda 2
- Gouard, Henri 1
- Guion, Prosper 2
- Gravas, Alda de 1
- Gryseleyn, Gaston 1
- Grain, Richard Corney 4
- Gomes, Sant'Anna 1
- Götting, Valentin 1
- Guénin, Hilaire-Nicolas 1
- Galeazzo, 1
- Gomes da Silva, Alberto José 1
- Goard, Henry 2
- Goethe, Walter 1
- Gerstenberger, August 1
- Grimshaw, Emile 1
- Gavrilov, Constantin 1
- Griffis, Elliot 3
- Galloway, Charles Henry 9
- Giray, Selim 1
- Guérin, Emmanuel 1
- Greco, Vicente 1
- Glover, Sarah 1
- Gentile, Augusto 3
- Gautier, Léonard 2
- G. Flaxland, 2
- Gideon, Melville 16
- Gruber, Georg Wilhelm 3
- Gruberski, Eugeniusz 2
- Gay, Byron 17
- Gay, John 2
- Gilberté, Hallet 2
- Gould, Billy 1
- Goetz, Edward Ray 13
- Guttmann, Artur 1
- Gilbert, James L. 3
- Gontard, M. 1
- Giblin, Irene M. 6
- Grady, Richard G. 7
- Grain, Corney 15
- Gilbert, L. Wolfe 19
- Gottler, Archie 16
- Gehring, Albert 1
- Guérande, G. 1
- Gaskill, Clarence 6
- Garrett, Lloyd 2
- Grey, Frank H. 5
- Guy, Harry P. 3
- Goodeve, Florence Everilda 1
- Gray, Gilda 1
- Garbusiński, Kazimierz 17
- Ginsberg, Sol 8
- Gieburowski, Wacław 6
- Gjerland, Christian 1
- Gammon, Barclay 2
- Goodwin, Joe 5
- Grey, Clifford 1
- Goodwin, Walter 2
- Greenberg, Abner 2
- Gorney, Jay 1
- Gillespie, Haven 2
- Greene, Gene 2
- Ganthony, Robert 2
- Griselle, Thomas 1
- Grossman, Bernie 4
- Graetz, Joseph 1
- Gibbs, A. Harrington 1
- Gilmore, Maude 1
- Gartlan, George H. 7
- Githens, Howard M. 1
- Gasperini, Guido 1
- Gollmick, Carl 5
- Grosheim, Georg Christoph 8
- Gaston-Murray, Blanche 1
- Guðmundsson, Björgvin 51
- Guðmundsson, Loftur 23
- Gräffer, Anton 6
- Guild, Thacher Howland 2
- Gawlikowski, Philippe 1
- Gillham, Art 1
- Guillot de Sainbris, Antonin 2
- Gensler, Lewis E. 3
- Ginter, Adam Franz 1
- Grannis, Sidney M. 1
- Greey, Edward 1
- Guion, David W. 6
- Gustin, Louise V. 3
- Griepenkerl, Friedrich Conrad 4
- Gade, Jacob 2
- Grunberg, Léon 2
- Gold, Artur 7
- Goldsworthy, William Arthur 1
- Grever, Maria 4
- Greatorex, Thomas 1
- Gíslason, Árni Beinteinn 2
- Goudesone, Louis 2
- Germain, Pierre 1
- Gounin-Ghidone, Alfred 1
- Gianferrari, Vincenzo 13
- Goneke, John F, 1
- Grosjean, Jean Romary 3
- Gangloff, Léopold 5
- Goublier, Renaud 1
- Gläser, Enoch 1
- Gerbier, Alfred 5
- Gerber, Karl 1
- Gross, Adalbert 1
- Gläser, Paul Richard 1
- Gianneo, Luis 1
- García, Manuel 1
- Gruender, Hubert 2
- Ganglberger, Johann Wilhelm 1
- Gulston, J 1
- Gebauer, Étienne-François 2
- Glutz-Blotzheim, Franz Peter Aloys 1
- Germain, Hervey 1
- Gersbach, Anton 1
- Grill, Leo 2
- Godefroid, Jules 2
- Gage, George W. 1
- Greger, Luise 17
- Geary, T. Mayo 2
- Gregora, Josef 2
- Graf, Wolfram 1
- Gantvoort, Herman L. 1
- Gould, George 1
- Garcia, Donald 1
- Graf, Vilém 3
- Grant, Farragut S. 1
- García Fortea, Severino 13
- Geistlener, Barbara 6
- Golyshev, Yefim 1
- Galimberti, Ferdinando 2
- Guenther, William 1
- Goodman, Al 2
- George, Gregory 2
- Grabbe, Lee B. 2
- Gemmingen, Eberhard Friedrich von 1
- Gomes, Ormeno 4
- Gáll, Pétér 1
- Glaze, Warren 1
- Guardione, Giuseppe 1
- Graumann, 2
- Gomes Jr., João 1
- Gast, Georg 1
- Grant, Arthur R. 1
- Graham, R. E. 13
- Goldsmith, Dan 1
- Gravelle, Jeanné 1
- Gilman, C. A. 1
- Gaston, Will 4
- Gretscher, Conrad 1
- Green, Arthur N. 2
- Gonzalez, Soledad 1
- Gonçalves, José Bernardino 1
- Griff, Herbert 1
- Gladdish, Frederick E. 1
- Grant, Sylvester B. 1
- Gratton, Howard C. 1
- Garton, Ted 3
- Goldman, Maxwell 3
- Goffin, Laurence E. 1
- Gunnar, Otto 1
- Garland, Harry 1
- Gressett, J. B. 1
- Goldberg, Phil 2
- Gibson, Joe 1
- Goldstein, Nat 4
- Gibler, Jerome H. 2
- Groves, A. E. 1
- Gabriel, Jacob 1
- Gardener, Cyril J. 1
- Geutebruck, D. F. 1
- Giers, Jean Joseph 1
- Gill, Mason 1
- Gomez, 1
- Gosden, John T. 4
- Gouraud, Jackson 1
- Grace, Walter F. 1
- Graf, Charles H. 1
- Graham, W. H. J. 2
- Gaudin, E. 1
- Godowsky, Mischa 1
- Garnier, Georges Constant 1
- Gallerano, Leandro 1
- Gastinel, Léon 2
- Gorand, Louis 1
- Galasso, Domenico 2
- Gessler, Charles de 1
- Grüneberg, W. A. 1
- Gelinek, Johann Guido 1
- Groscurth, William 2
- Greaves, Ralph Charles Johnstone 1
- Groschel, J. W. 1
- Guedes, E. S. 1
- Gladstone, Edna 3
- Gardner, John B. 2
- Grove, Daniel La 1
- Goryainova, A. 1
- Gerber, A. Yu. 1
- Gantier, Albertine 1
- Gall, Charles F. 1
- Gillen, Frank 1
- Gibson, Jenora 1
- Gardner, Oscar 2
- Garrett, M. B. 1
- Graham, Mary Thorpe 1
- Grandjean, André 1
- Gennari, Federico 1
- German, P. T. 1
- Gerstle, W. H. 1
- Gottheil, Louisiana 1
- Guglielmo, 2
- Ghilain, Édouard 1
- Guilhot, Jules 1
- Graf B., Vincenz 1
- Grimm, Carl 1
- Gaia, Hudson 5
- Grillo, João 2
- Gray, Eddie 1
- Goosman, Richard 2
- Gonzaga, Nicolau 2
- Gould, Raymond V. 2
- Gross, Josiah 1
- Goetzl, Anselm 3
- Grady, Bart E. 1
- Garin, J.-M. 1
- Grannis, H. E. 1
- Gregor, Christian 2
- Gliński, Ludwik 1
- Gourlier, Charles 1
- Grosspetter, Joseph Dominik 1
- Ghiglia, Carlo 2
- Gravato, Alfredo 1
- Gordon, Curtis 2
- Gremmer, Tobe 1
- Greenland, Ormond T. 1
- Gottlieb, Sam 1
- Griffin, Billy A. 1
- Garton, Cedric H. 1
- Gaunt, Percy 5
- Gillespie, Mary J. 1
- Graves, Sidney 1
- Grossmann, Gertrude E. 2
- Grimm, Józef Aleksander 1
- Godecharle, Eugène 1
- Goodfried, Gussie 1
- Godfrey, J. 1
- Gundlach Jr., L. 1
- Gonçalves, Antonio A. Meyer 1
- Galeno, Carlos 1
- Gross, F. 1
- Gordon, Westell 1
- Grandei, Jacques 1
- Gray, Henry W. 1
- Gord, J. B. 1
- Goldenthal, Clare 1
- Gould, Harold Jack 2
- Ghedini, Giorgio Federico 1
- Gibson, Lawrence Clifford 1
- Gebel, Henry 1
- Guy, George R. 1
- Godfrey, Floyd D. 1
- Geil, Frederick 1
- Gerken, Charles H. 2
- Gostwicki, Jan 2
- Görlitz, Johann Friedrich 1
- Gandres, 1
- Gillar, Richard 1
- Guimarães, Daydra 1
- Guy, Thomas J. 1
- Gordon, Sheridan 1
- Gress, Louis 1
- Galvão, Maria Ramalho Pires 1
- Gamble, Henry 1
- Gregory, Frank 1
- G., L. 1
- Gill, Charles H. 1
- Gott, George C. 1
- Gordon, Augusta 1
- Gemünd, Karl 1
- Gillespie, Arthur 1
- Gomes, Antonio Candido 1
- Grant, Charles N. 1
- Gui, Vittorio 1
- Gordigiani, Giovanni Battista 2
- Grünwald, Franz Rudolf 1
- Gentzlinger, Charles F. 1
- Grooms, Calvin 1
- Guillaume d'Amiens, 1
- Gurney, Frank J. 1
- Gearhart, James W. 1
- Gilmore, Henry George 1
- Gährich, Wenzel 1
- Gianoncelli, Bernardo 2
- Gisin, Martha Allegra 1
- Gladstone, Ida 1
- Goold, Sam 1
- Godinski, Sadie 1
- Glen, Katherine A. 6
- Gudelj, Ella S. 1
- Goodman, Lillian Rosedale 2
- Gray, Norma 2
- Gibson, Billy 1
- Green, Lilias 1
- Gerrish-Jones, Abbie 1
- Greene, Sallie 1
- Geijer, Erik Gustaf 2
- Glanner, Caspar 1
- G. Jr., Miguel Lopes 1
- Grabner, Hermann 1
- Gleason, Bessie 1
- Gamble, F. Ora 1
- Gattermann, Philippe 1
- Gear, Florence 1
- Gibson, H. M. 1
- Gillier le jeune, 1
- Geier, Louise 1
- Gibson, Julia W. 1
- Gregori, Elsa 1
- Gamble, Louis 1
- Gilbert, Fred 1
- Green, Burton 1
- Gallon, Noël 2
- Ganz, Rudolph 3
- Grant, Albert U. 1
- Gaude, F. 1
- Gillott, Joseph 1
- Ganter, Joseph 1
- Guerin, Victor 1
- Gray, William B. 1
- Glatt, Abe 1
- Goldberger, Max 1
- Green, Bert 1
- Griffen, Frederic 1
- Gratton, Hector 2
- Goldfaden, Abraham 14
- Gernlein, Rudolph 2
- Greene, Abbey 1
- Gay, Augustin 8
- Gilman, Caroline 1
- Greely, Philip 1
- Green, S. 1
- Goldberg, Reka 1
- Gideon, Miriam 4
- Gablenz, Jerzy 9
- Gomezanda, Antonio 2
- Groudine, Vladimir 5
- Gardner, Alfred Linton 2
- Gellert, Friedrich 2
- Giuseppe, Jozzi 1
- Gunnsteinn Eyjólfsson, 1
- García Mansilla, Eduardo 1
- Guillemyn, Robert 1
- Grumbach, Marthe 1
- Gabaroche, Gaston 1
- Goeb, Roger 1
- Gerboth, Walter 1
- Gyring, Elizabeth 1
- Golitsyn, Fyodor Grigoryevich 1
- Gollmick, Adolf 1
- Gasser, Victor 1
- Gedan, Jörg 1
- Gatty, Nicholas Comyn 1
- Guttinguer, Gabriel 1
- Guillemin, Justin 1
- Garban, Lucien 4
- González Gamarra, Francisco 1
- Gallés, Josep 5
- Gusman, Meyer 1
- Gourdin, Charles 1
- Goulding, Edmund 2
- Giarda, Luigi Stefano 1
- Groz, Albert 2
- Goetschy, J. 1
- Genzmer, Harald 1
- Guénée, Louise 5
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