- Category
- Ibert, Jacques 33
- Ibrahimova, Sevda 1
- Ide, Chester Edward 4
- Idelsohn, Abraham Zevi 4
- Idle, Frank 2
- Ignotus, 1
- Illiashenko, André 1
- Illsley, Percival John 1
- Ilsley, E. Clarke 11
- Ilyinsky, Aleksandr 19
- Imhof, Karl 4
- Immenhofer, C. 1
- Imperiali, Enrico 1
- Indy, Vincent d' 141
- Indy, Wilfred d' 2
- Infante, Manuel 3
- Ingalls, Jeremiah 1
- Ingegneri, Marc Antonio 3
- Ingenhoven, Jan 5
- Inghelbrecht, Désire-Émile 9
- Inzenga, José 2
- Iosifovna, Alexandra 2
- Iparraguirre, Pedro Antonio 18
- Ipavic, Benjamin 2
- Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail 72
- Ireland, John 66
- Iruarrizaga, Luis 1
- Isaac, Heinrich 13
- Isaacs, Lewiston N. 1
- Isnardi, Paolo 1
- Isori, Ida 1
- Isouard, Nicolo 34
- Israfilzade, Mammadaga 1
- Istel, Edgar 1
- Itiberê, Brasílio 6
- Itiberê, Brasłlio 1
- Ituarte, Julio 4
- Ivanov, Mikhail 3
- Ivanov-Boretsky, Mikhail 3
- Ivanovici, Iosif 12
- Iversen, Johannes Erasmus 2
- Ives, Charles 10
- Ivimey, John W. 1
- Ivry, Paul Xavier Désiré, marquis d' 4
- Inglott, William 2
- Irunciaga, María Josefa de 0
- Ingraham, George 3
- Ingle, Charles 4
- Inczyk, Józef 2
- Isserlis, Julius 1
- Ingraham, Herbert 14
- Insulari, P. C. 1
- Ingraham, Roy 3
- Ivimey, Harry 1
- Irwin, May 1
- Insanguine, Giacomo 1
- Illing, Franz Xaver 1
- Iparraguirre, José María 1
- Ihm, Max 1
- Isilay, Sadi 5
- Irving, Bob 1
- Imboden, Walter 1
- Iustoni, Nicola 1
- Itaborahy, F. L. 1
- Ide, E. Louis 1
- Ihmsen, Josephine Branta 1
- Ittner, Ernest A. 1
- Innella, Jennie 2
- Ingham, Nelson 1
- Ingi T. Lárusson, 1
- Isaacs, P. B. 1
- Ilustre, Lorenzo S. 3
- I., M. A. 1
- Ingraham, Zella 1
- Iris, Minnie 1
- Ivry, Paul d' 2
- Iaukea, Iaelani 2
- Irish Folk Music, 3
- Iucho, Wilhelm 16
- Iliffe, Frederick 1
- Ichiyanagi, Toshi 1
- Irvine, Demar 1
- Imbault, Jean-Jérôme 1
- Ikufube, Akira 1
- Inghelbrecht, Désiré Émile 1
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