- Category
- Jackson, Arthur Herbert 1
- Jackson, Ralph Clifford 2
- Jackson, Robert 1
- Jackson, Samuel P. 7
- Jackson, Tony 4
- Jackson, William 14
- Jacob, Georges 10
- Jacobi, Frederick 1
- Jacobi, Johann Christian 2
- Jacobi, Karl 2
- Jacobi, Viktor 8
- Jacobs, Robert Walter 6
- Jacobs-Bond, Carrie 58
- Jacobsen, Hans Hinrich 2
- Jacoby, Louis C. 1
- Jacqmin, Henry 1
- Jacques, Alain M. 2
- Jacquet de La Guerre, Elisabeth 13
- Jacquet of Mantua, 3
- Jacquet, Henri Maurice 2
- Jacquet, Leon 1
- Jadassohn, Salomon 93
- Jadin, Georges 1
- Jadin, Hyacinthe 9
- Jadin, Louis-Emmanuel 32
- Jadoul, Théodore 1
- Jaëll, Alfred 47
- Jaëll, Alfred 5
- Jaëll, Marie 34
- Jäger, Heinrich 2
- Jahangirov, Jahangir 4
- Jahn, Aug. Phil. 1
- Jähns, Friedrich Wilhelm 1
- Jakobowski, Edward 4
- Jambe de Fer, Philbert 1
- Jambe de Fer, Philibert 1
- Jámbor, Eugen 5
- James, Philip 2
- Janáček, Leoš 53
- Janáček, Leoš 12
- Jancourt, Eugène 8
- Janequin, Clément 32
- Janes, Walter 2
- Janiewicz, Feliks 12
- Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb 9
- Janon, Charles de 16
- Jansa, Leopold 17
- Jansen, Friedrich Gustav 1
- Jansen, Louis 25
- Jansenne, Louis 1
- Janser, Emil Karl 1
- Janson, Jean-Baptiste 5
- Janssen, Werner 3
- Janza, Mark 2
- Japhet, Israel Meyer 1
- Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile 55
- Járay-Janetschek, István 18
- Jarecki, Henryk 5
- Jarecki, Tadeusz 3
- Jarman, Thomas 1
- Jarnach, Philipp 2
- Järnefelt, Armas 2
- Järnefelt, Armas 9
- Jaroński, Feliks 2
- Jasienski, J. de 1
- Jasiński, Marceli 3
- Javault, Alexandre 1
- Javelot, Jules 7
- Javůrek, Josef 1
- Jawornik, Raoul 1
- Jaxone, H.L. Darcy 1
- Jeanjean, Paul 18
- Jeep, Johann 3
- Jelski, Michael 1
- Jemnitz, Sándor 8
- Jenkins, John 2
- Jenkinson, Ezra 4
- Jenks, Stephen 3
- Jenner, Gustav 8
- Jensen, Adolf 146
- Jensen, Eiler 4
- Jensen, Gustav 11
- Jensen, Niels Peter 12
- Jentes, Harry 11
- Jentsch, Max 9
- Jepson, Harry Benjamin 1
- Jerace, Michelangelo 1
- Jeral, Wilhelm 8
- Jerome, Frederick 2
- Jerusalem, Ignacio 1
- Jeschko, Ludwig 11
- Jessel, Léon 1
- Jessel, Léon 15
- Jewett Morandi, Jennie 1
- Ježek, Jaroslav 1
- Jiménez Berroa, José Manuel 1
- Jiránek, Antonłn 3
- Jiránek, František 7
- Joachim, Joseph 35
- João IV, Dom 6
- Jockisch, Reinhold 2
- Johann Ernst Prinz von Sachsen-Weimar, 2
- Johanna, Maria Antonia Josepha 1
- Johanson, August W. 1
- John, Charles 3
- Johns, Al 3
- Johns, Clayton 10
- Johnsen, Hinrich Philip 3
- Johnson I, Robert 1
- Johnson, Artemas Nixon 2
- Johnson, Bernard 7
- Johnson, Charles Leslie 78
- Johnson, Francis 3
- Johnson, Herbert 2
- Johnson, J. Rosamond 49
- Johnson, James Weldon 1
- Johnson, John St. Anthony 1
- Johnson, Robert 4
- Johnson, Thomas 1
- Johnson, William Noel 8
- Johnston, Edward F. 8
- Johnston, John White 2
- Johnston, Walter Russel 6
- Johnstone, Lucie 1
- Joly, Auguste 1
- Joly, D. 5
- Joly, Marc 5
- Jommelli, Niccolò 85
- Jommelli, Niccolò 1
- Jonás, Alberto 2
- Jonas, Carl 1
- Jonas, Emile 11
- Jonas, Ernst 18
- Joncières, Victorin de 27
- Joncières, Victorin de 1
- Jones II, William 2
- Jones, Abner 2
- Jones, Darius Eliot 5
- Jones, Edward 10
- Jones, F. O. 1
- Jones, J. A. 1
- Jones, John 3
- Jones, Robert 3
- Jones, Sidney 14
- Jones, William 1
- Jongen, Joseph 70
- Joplin, Scott 82
- Jordan, Charles Warwick 2
- Jordan, Joe 10
- Jordan, Jules 10
- Jork, Emil 1
- José, Henri 1
- Joseffy, Rafael 39
- Josquin Desprez 58
- Josset, Alfred 1
- Josten, Werner Erich 1
- Joteyko, Tadeusz 12
- Jouberti, Antonin 4
- Jouret, Léon 1
- Jousse, Jean 5
- Jowett, Joseph 1
- Joyce, Patrick Weston 1
- Jubitz, Friedrich Wilhelm 1
- Juch, Justin 1
- Judenkünig, Hans 3
- Jue, Édouard 1
- Julian, John 1
- Jullien, Gilles 4
- Jullien, Louis Antoine 38
- Juncker, August William 4
- Jungbauer, Coelestin 4
- Junghähnel, Oskar 2
- Junghans, J. A. 1
- Jungmann, Albert 55
- Jungmann, Louis 3
- Jüngst, Hugo 7
- Junkelmann, Albert 1
- Juon, Paul 86
- Just, Johann August 4
- Jüttner, Oscar 2
- Juvin, Edmond 1
- Johnson, George Washington 1
- Johnson, Edward 2
- Jadin, Léon 2
- Jarvis, Charles Wesley 0
- Jemain, Joseph 0
- Junker, W. 2
- Johansen, David Monrad 0
- Jaeger, Edmund 1
- Józefowicz, Michał 2
- Joly, Camille 2
- Jerome, Benjamin M. 10
- Jancourt, Eugène 2
- Jacchini, Giuseppe Maria 3
- Janis, Elsie 3
- Jełowicka, Janina 1
- José, Antonio 2
- Judic, Anna 1
- Jones, Walter Owen 1
- Junod, Henri-Alexandre 1
- Jacobi, Martin 1
- Jansen, Ben 4
- Jacquemin, Louis 2
- Jehin, Léon 1
- Jaeger, Madeleine 4
- Jongen, Léon 2
- Judge, Jack 2
- Joshi, Rohan 1
- Jackson, Nelson 15
- Jovés, Manuel 1
- Jarno, Georg 5
- Johnson, Arnold 2
- Jones, Isham 18
- Jones, Stephen 3
- Jolson, Al 10
- Jardon, Dorothy 9
- Johnson, Nat 1
- Joyce, Archibald 23
- Jones, Clarence M. 5
- Jäckel, Adolf 1
- Jaubert, Maurice 2
- Juel-Frederiksen, Emil 2
- Jouve, Édouard 2
- Jerome, Maurice Kraus 11
- Jerome, William 1
- Johnson, Ashley S. 1
- Johnson, Howard 7
- Jespersen, Olfert 1
- Jacqmin, François 1
- Josephson, Jacob Axel 2
- Jackson, Mike 1
- Johnson, James P. 8
- Jirák, Karel Boleslav 2
- Jöde, Fritz 2
- Jónsdóttir, Elísabet 1
- Johnstone, Arthur Edward 1
- Jónsson, Halldór 22
- Jong, Edward de 1
- Jones, Richard 2
- Jurek, Wilhelm August 1
- Jackson, Papa Charlie 1
- Jones, Billy 1
- Jones, Earle C. 2
- Jiránek, František 1
- Jenkins, Cyril 1
- Jordan, Dora 4
- Junghanss, Johann Adrian 1
- Jelinek, Ignác Emanuel 3
- Joutard, Flora 1
- Jucker, Benedict 1
- Janequin, Clément 2
- Jéhin-Prume, Frantz 5
- Jacotin, 1
- Jacobson, Lillian 2
- Jenkins, Claudia 1
- Jarosch, Johann 5
- Johnson, Julius K. 1
- Johnson, Lee 4
- Joseph, B. A. 2
- Janssen, Bernhard H. 1
- Jones, Bobby 5
- Jacobs, John B. 1
- Jergensen, S. 1
- Jefferson, W. T. 1
- Jacob, John 1
- Jones, Alberta B. 1
- Jones, Louis Weslyn 1
- Jones, V. Paul 1
- Joly, Alfred 1
- Johnson II, William 1
- Jarecki, Władysław 3
- Jarzębiński, Franciszek 1
- Jefferys, Charles 1
- Jacob, Jules 1
- Janusch, Michael 6
- Jackson, C. Welborn 1
- Jordà, Lluís 4
- Joyce, Billy 1
- Jaxone, H. L. D'Arcy 1
- Jerome, Morton 1
- Jyje, M. 1
- Jones, Irving 4
- Jones, Grahame 1
- Janke, John A. 3
- Jerome, Nat. S. 1
- Jones, Delia W. 1
- Jusdorf, J. C. 3
- Johnson, Carl W. 1
- Johnston, Earle 1
- Jackson, George Edward 1
- Jackson, Herman 1
- Johnson, Lukie 1
- Jones, Lamonte E. 1
- Jansen, George E. 1
- Jónas Tómasson, 1
- Jacobs, Anson C. 1
- Jones, Harold 1
- Joyce, Florence Buckingham 2
- Jirauschek, Adolph 1
- Jaspers, G. 1
- Jollage, Charles-Alexandre 1
- Johnston, James D. 1
- Jagwitz, Fritz von 1
- Jansta, František 1
- Judex, Johann Nepomuk 1
- John, Felix 1
- Jimerson, Elijah W. 1
- Jackman, Billy 1
- Jeníček, Josef 1
- Jürgens, Fritz 1
- Johnstone, Alexander 1
- Johnston, Archibald 1
- Jürgens, Karl 3
- Jones, Harry 2
- Jarvis, Charles 11
- Jackson, Nate 1
- Jones, Juliette 1
- Jewitt, Jessie Mae 3
- Joyce, Nellie P. 1
- Johnson, Kathryne Linehan 1
- Johnson, Alice 1
- Jacobson, Alice E. 1
- Johnson, Leland 1
- Jamison, Abbie Norton 1
- Judd, Edwin Young 1
- Jones, Libbie Cheney 1
- Jakova, Prenk 1
- Johnson, 1
- Jaguaribe, Celeste 1
- Johnson, Daniel @composer^ 1
- Jeffords, Minnie Lee 1
- Johnson, Ted 1
- Jacobi, Georges 4
- Jannotta, Alfredo Antonio 7
- Jefferson, N. H. 1
- Johnson, W. O. 1
- Jordan, John H. 1
- Jón Friðfinnsson, 1
- Jeanneret, Albert 1
- Jeambrun, L. 1
- Jacovacci, Edouard 1
- Jacques, Georges 4
- Jacobson, Myron 5
- Jourdain, Philippe 1
- Jacob, Maxime 2
- Jachino, Carlo 1
- Jullien, P. 3
- Jordan, Julian 1
- Johnson, John 2
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